Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för svenska, flerspråkighet och språkteknologi by Title
Now showing items 42-56 of 56
”See there I’m stuck now!” Samtalsdeltagares orientering mot att tala svenska i amerikasvenska dialektintervjuer
(2019-04-10)This thesis is a qualitative investigation of a communicative project called tala svenska (speak swedish) in American Swedish dialect interviews. The aim of the study is to analyze and describe the communicative project. ... -
Skolspråk i utveckling. En- och flerspråkiga elevers bruk av grammatiska metaforer i senare skolår.
(2011-09-29)Abstract The aim of this thesis is to compare the use of grammatical metaphor in 365 texts written by Swedish mono- and multilingual students in year 9 and 11, both regarding occurrence of GM and the use of its ... -
Skrifterna från Hoppet. C.H. Braads ostindiska resa 1748–49
(2013-05-17)This thesis deals with the writings of Christopher Hinric Braad (1728–81), employee of the Swedish East India Company, and more specifical¬ly with the manuscripts from his first journey, from Gothenburg to Canton, in the ... -
Skriftlig lärarrespons för vuxna nybörjare i svenska som andraspråk: teoretiska perspektiv, responspraktik och uppfattningar
(2019-02-14)This compilation thesis serves to fill a research gap in teacher written feedback on second language (L2) writing and pronunciation by focusing on adult beginners of culturally diverse backgrounds. Basically, this thesis ... -
Skriftspråksutveckling under högstadiet
(2011-04-28)The aim of this thesis is to characterize patterns of development in texts written by pupils in secondary school in Sweden. The thesis applies both a traditional quantitative approach to 318 texts and an approach based on ... -
Splitting rocks: Learning word sense representations from corpora and lexica
(2019-08-23)The representation of written language semantics is a central problem of language technology and a crucial component of many natural language processing applications, from part-of-speech tagging to text summarization. These ... -
Språkkunskaper och kunskapsspråk. Ämneslitteracitet i ämnesprov, undervisning och elevtexter inom svenska som andraspråk och fysik
(2024-10-02)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of disciplinary literacy in two subjects, Swedish as a second language (SSL) and physics, among ninth-year students in compulsory school. This thesis focuses ... -
Steg för steg. Naturvetenskapligt ämnesspråk som räknas
(2015-11-13)In this work, I present a linguistic investigation of the language of Swedish textbooks in the natural sciences, i.e., biology, physics and chemistry. The textbooks, which are used in secondary and upper secondary school, ... -
Strategic Vocabulary Learning in the Swedish Second Language Context
(2019-02-22)This large-scale research project represents an exploratory investigation into the reported vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) used by adult, beginner Swedish L2 learners living and studying in Sweden. A questionnaire ... -
Studies in computational historical linguistics: Models and analyses
(2015-10-22)Computational analysis of historical and typological data has made great progress in the last fifteen years. In this thesis, I work with vocabulary lists for addressing some classical problems in historical linguistics ... -
Tala fram texten: När barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter skriver med tal-till-text
(2023-05-22)Effective writing is a crucial skill that requires not only the mastery of various sub-processes but also deliberate orchestration of those sub-processes within the constraints of limited workingmemory capacity. In ... -
Tala om att tänka – om processer och projekt vid användning av orden tänka och tanke i tre samtal
(2012-04-20)This thesis is a qualitative investigation of how the Swedish verb "tänka" and the noun "tanke" are used in three radio phone-in counseling conversations (the words are comparable with, but not equivalent to, the English ... -
Temperatur i språk och tanke. En jämförande semantisk studie av svenska temperaturadjektiv
(2010-05-20)In this thesis, seven temperature adjectives in Swedish are analysed: varm ’warm’, kall ’cold’, het ’hot’, ljum/ljummen ’lukewarm’ or ’tepid’, kylig ’chilly’, sval ’cool’ and mild ’mild’. A model for analysis, inspired by ... -
The Game of Health Search
(2014-10-31)Almost two of three Swedes use internet to search for health related information on diseases, treatments and care givers. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are increasingly used to carry out these activities, ... -
Vägar till förståelse. Andraspråkstalare i samtal med en studie- och yrkesvägledare.
(2013-05-29)The aim of this work is to explore how shared understanding is achieved in career counseling with second language clients. Video-recorded counselling sessions are analysed along with participant interviews and other secondary ...