Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för svenska, flerspråkighet och språkteknologi by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 56
Från beslut till broschyr. Intertextualitet, äldre och kultur i texter inom en statlig satsning
(2020-01-20)The overarching purpose of this study is to map out how intertextual relations are manifested in texts produced within a government initiative on arts for the elderly, and to shed light on how discourses on the elderly and ... -
Hårt arbete och sträng vila
(2014-05-21)The objective of this thesis is to investigate collocations (like hard work) from the lexicographical and lexicological perspectives. In the lexicographical study the general role of collocations in dictionaries is discussed, ... -
”Herravälde. Är det bara killar eller?” Andraspråksläsare möter lärobokstexter i historia för gymnasieskolan.
(2014-05-23)This thesis explores and characterizes Swedish high school students’ encounters with history textbook texts, with a focus on students having Swedish as their second language. Reading history textbooks entails comprehending ... -
I see what you mean
(2013-04-03)This thesis aims to identify linguistic factors that affect readability and text comprehension, viewed as a function of text complexity. Features at various linguistic levels suggested in existing literature are evaluated, ... -
In the minds of stochastic parrots: Benchmarking, evaluating and interpreting large language models
(2024-11-18)The arrival of large language models (LLMs) in recent years has changed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP). Their impressive performance on popular benchmarks, ability to solve a range of different tasks ... -
Inflätat och överlappande. Flerspråkighet och språkanvändning bland svensktalande ungdomar i Europa
(2017-03-01)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and extended knowledge about the multilingualism and language use of teenagers with Swedish backgrounds who live abroad and participate in Swedish ... -
Inte för räddhågsna. Undervisning i grundläggande litteracitet och svenska som andraspråk på gymnasieskolans språkintroduktion
(2021-08-16)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding about the education of Swedish as a second language and basic literacy to recently immigrated adolescents with little prior experience of school-based ... -
(2004) -
Learning of Definiteness by Belarusian Students of Swedish as a Foreign Language
(2021-04-28)Through a series of studies, this thesis investigates the learning of definiteness in Russian-speaking students of Swedish. A communicative, oral-production task elicited modified and non-modified noun phrases in indefinite ... -
Lov og tekst i middelalderen. Produksjon og resepsjon av Magnus Lagabøtes landslov
(2016-02-19)This thesis investigates fifteen out of a total of thirtynine extant manuscripts containing The Norwegian Code of the Realm (1274), henceforth the Code. They are all dated before 1400. The fifteen manuscripts display ... -
En matchningsdriven semantisk modell. Mellan ordboken och den interna grammatiken
(2012-05-08)This thesis presents Matchningsdriven semantisk modell [Match-driven Semantic Model] (MSM). The Model was developed in order to facilitate the analysis of the semantic structure of corpus data, but the central component, ... -
Modala hjälpverb i språkhistorisk belysning
(2014-08-29)In this thesis, the syntactic and morphological characteristics of modal verbs in Swedish have been investigated in order to identify and examine the changes these verbs have undergone. The survey was conducted as a ... -
Multilingual text generation from structured formal representations
(2013-01-11)This thesis aims to identify the optimal ways in which natural language generation techniques can be brought to bear upon the problem of processing a structured body of information in order to devise a coherent presentation ... -
Neutrala substantiv på -ande i text och ordbok
(2022-08-25)This thesis presents an examination of Swedish deverbal neutral nouns with the suffix ande in a corpus of texts from the 1900s and early 2000s, compared to the presentation of these deverbal nouns in three modern, monolingual ...