Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Extraction from relative clauses in Swedish
This dissertation presents an empirical study of extraction from relative clauses (ERC) in Swedish, where a phrase outside a relative clause (RC) is related to a gap or a resumptive pronoun inside the RC. The aim of the ...
Grammatik i SAOL. En undersökning av grammatisk information i Svenska Akademiens ordlista över 130 år
(Institutionen för svenska språket vid Göteborgs universitet, 2016-09-09)
This licentiate thesis deals with the grammatical information provided in the
Swedish Academy Glossary (SAOL = Svenska Akademiens ordlista), a Swedish monolingual,
contemporary and orthographic dictionary, first published ...
A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish
The present study investigates the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish. It is a bi-directional study that uses empirical fiction and non-fiction material in the form of original texts and their ...
Participles in Time. The Development of the Perfect Tense in Swedish.
This thesis concerns the syntactic-semantic development of the perfect tense from a construction with possessive HAVE and a tenseless participial complement. Both participles and auxiliary are assumed to have internal ...
Vad händer med subjektstvånget? Om det-inledda satser utan subjekt
(Språk & stil NF 20, 2010, 2010)
Grammatical descriptions of contemporary Swedish normally state that Swedish has a strong subject
requirement: finite clauses (except imperatives and conjoined clauses) must contain an overt
subject. If the clause lacks ...
På rak sak. Om ordförbindelser och konventionaliserade uttryck bland unga språkbrukare i flerspråkiga miljöer.
The overall aim of the thesis is to investigate and describe the use and mastery of different types
of phraseological units and conventionalized expressions in the language of adolescents in multilingual
environments. ...
Mapping vowels: Variation and change in the speech of Gothenburg adolescents
Until now, sociolinguistic investigations of Gothenburg have been scarce. This compilation thesis provides some of the first steps in a quantitative investigation of language variation and change in the city. Its results ...
Inflätat och överlappande. Flerspråkighet och språkanvändning bland svensktalande ungdomar i Europa
The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and extended knowledge about the multilingualism and language use of teenagers with Swedish backgrounds who live abroad and participate
in Swedish ...
Progressive constructions in Swedish
This thesis aims to provide new insights into the semantic properties of some progressive
constructions in Swedish and to provide better understanding of aspect in Swedish. The five
included studies present analyses of ...
”eftersom jag har två språk” Språkbruk bland svensktalande ungdomar i Europa
(Institutet för svenska som andraspråk, Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet, 2014)
I takt med den ökande globaliseringen blir det allt vanligare att barn och ungdomar växer upp i flera länder och talar flera språk. I licentiatuppsatsen undersöks den rapporterade språkanvändningen bland flerspråkiga ...