Now showing items 1-10 of 121
Från beslut till broschyr. Intertextualitet, äldre och kultur i texter inom en statlig satsning
The overarching purpose of this study is to map out how intertextual relations are manifested in texts produced within a government initiative on arts for the elderly, and to shed light on how discourses on the elderly and ...
Ålderdom, omsorg och makt. Gamlas situation och omsorgsrelationer i nyliberala tider
This dissertation examines the status of old age and the nature of elderly care in Sweden, where the welfare state is being transformed through neoliberalism. The overall aim is to study old age as identity and lived ...
The Disruptive Semiotic: A Kristevan Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Fiction
Avhandlingen analyserar Thomas Hardys romaner med syfte att utröna varför de oftast väcker en känsla av ambivalens i läsaren. Med utgångspunkt ifrån Julia Kristevas teori om det semiotiska, enligt vilken intertextualitet ...
När andra ser. Gravmonument, social praktik och aktörskollektiv under 1100- och 1200-talen i Vänerlandskapet
Grave monuments showing rich imagery were made to a remarkable extent in the area around Lake Vänern during the 12th and 13th centuries. This thesis is about these monuments and about the physical remains
of burials that ...
Längtans och drömmarnas hus - Ideal och praktik bland en ny generation stugägare
This dissertation examines second home ownership among a new generation of urban middle-class Swedes between the years 2015-2020. The main aim is to analyse motivation for buying one´s own second home, with the further ...
Vernacular buildings and urban social practice – Wood and people in Early Modern Swedish society
Wooden houses were major components of the early modern Swedish townscape. Yet, today these buildings have largely disappeared due to fires, demolition and modernity. The main themes of the thesis are the study of what ...
The Trials of the Intertextual: The Translation and Reception of Tatyana Tolstaya's Kys´ in Sweden and the United States
This dissertation analyses the translation and reception of Tatyana Tolstaya’s novel Kys´ (2000). The analysis includes, as well as the Russian source text, the Swedish translation Därv (2003), translated by Staffan Skott ...
In Search of the Self: A Study of the International Scene of Modern Advaitic Satsang in Present-Day Rishikesh
The north Indian pilgrimage town Rishikesh has since the late 1990’s become something of a center for the international scene of Modern Advaita. An increasing number of teachers and adherents from mainly Western countries ...
Processing death: Oval brooches and Viking graves in Britain, Ireland and Iceland
Burials with oval brooches from the Viking Age settlements in Britain, Ireland, and Iceland have frequently been interpreted as the graves of a specific and uniform group of people: (pagan) Scandinavian women of relatively ...
Vom Lesen lesen. Zur Konzeption und Darstellung des Lesers im postmodernen Roman
I postmoderna romaner tillskrivs läsaren en avgörande roll. Läsaren träder ofta fram som fiktionaliserad figur respektive protagonist i texternas handlingar, där olika typer av läsning och dessas olika funktioner visas upp ...