Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Vakuumförpackning av arkeologiskt järn Uppföljning av ett SESAM-projekt på Stockholms stadsmuseum
This thesis aims to evaluate experimental vacuum-packed archaeological iron samples stored in the warehouse of the city museum of Stockholm since 1996. This goal is approached through a literature study and a systematic ...
Ett temporärt magasin Fallstudie av Västra Götalandsregionens centralmagasin i Vänersborg
The main issue of this essay is preventive actions concerning public art. What is done nationally, and
in the Region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. The essay is mainly an investigation of an art storage own
by the region ...
Riksintresse för kulturmiljövården En kritisk utvärdering av riksintresseinstrumentets tillämpning i egnahemsområdet Pungpinan, med området Tallkrogen som referens
The subject for this essay is areas of national heritage and the usefulness they posses as an instrument
for conservation. The role of this juridical instrument in local governmental planning has been questionized
during ...
Ett kulturarv i Stockholms innerstad med exempel från Vasastan
In this paper I investigate the role and perceived value of late 19th century and early 20th century fixed interior decors in modern home design ideals. I conduct case studies of four apartments built in Stockholm (Sweden) ...
The Choirproject Considerations for the storage of a composite contemporary artwork: Tilda Lovell’s The Choirproject
This thesis investigates alternatives for storing of the contemporary artwork Tilda Lovell’s artwork The Choirproject by artist Tilda Lovell. The piece consists of a video and nine sculptures in composite materials, ...
ATT BEVARA DET SOM INTE KAN BEVARAS Konservering av levande material i modern konst Linn Björklund
The post war era and industrial revolution opened up a freedom in the art field and created an unpredictable art landscape. The creativity that it unleashed among artists would later become a main concern for those who ...
PEG-migration? MALDI-TOF-analys av beläggningar från fyra arkeologiska träföremål
One of the most important tasks in conservation of archaeological wood is to maintain its shape and stability. This is often done by replacement of the water within the wood-cells. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a synthetic ...
Verkställighetsföreskrifter, uppdragsarkeologi och konservatorer - Konservatorns integrering inom uppdragsarkeologin
To increase the quality and the cost-efficiency of contract archaeology in Sweden a revised
regulation for contract archaeology was established the 1st of January 2008. By including find
strategy as a concept with special ...
Fastigheten Majorna 305:22 Om hantering av riksintressant kulturmiljö
Sweden has a system for bringing national interests into municipal planning. Cultural heritage is one of these interests, and the purpose of respecting this particular interest is to guide further development of a community ...
Pyrit i arkeologiska benföremål – ett dolt problem? Undersökning och skadeinventering av järn och svavel i arkeologiska ben- och benhornföremål
The number of publications concerning problems with pyrit (FeS2) and pyrite oxidation in archaeological objects made of bone or antler is limited. Problems with oxidation of unstable pyrite are well known in mineral ...