Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Göteborgs kulturarv Vilket kulturarv representeras i Västra Nordstaden?
This graduate essay treats how the cultural heritage of Gothenburg is mediated in different respect.
The various sources that have been studied are literary such as guidebooks and books that tell the
history of Gothenburg. ...
Klockstaplar från 1700-talet Konstruktion och byggprocess
Calling for a church service by bell ringing has a long history in Sweden. In order for the sound to be heard as far as possible, it was most natural to hang them in the church tower. Large, cast bells first appeared in ...
Byte av fotträ i korsvirke En intervjustudie om lyft och friläggning av fotträ i korsvirkeskonstruktioner
This thesis adress the procedure for replacing the sill in south swedish timber-framed buildings, (also named korsvirke in Swedish, bindingsværk in Danish and fackwerk in German) with a focus on lifting the construction ...
Att bära "rätt" folkdräkt En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar om folkdräktsval
The aim of this study is to identify how people active in the field of folk dress in Skåne view the
appropriace of costume choices regarding different localities. The major objective of the present
study is to clarify ...
Kvalitetssäkring av kulturmiljö i offentlig upphandling – En fallstudie av Mölndals Stad
The aim of this study is to show how quality assurance of cultural heritage is made in public procurement. This has been done with an initial review of the current legislation, law on public procurement, which then is ...
Färgad av kulturarvet Utövarperspektiv på växtfärgning som kulturarv
The aim of this thesis is to situate practicing of natural dyeing in the context of cultural heritage. By studying natural dyeing from a practitioners perspective, the goal is to put focus on the role of the individual in ...
Regionala strategier på lokal nivå Om kulturarv- och kulturmiljöarbete i regionalt och kommunalt utvecklings- och tillväxtarbete
The following essay aims at the interplay between regional och municipal growth work, and the
way cultural heritage is used in growth work strategies. The main issue has been whether the
regional strategies are followed ...
ANTIKVARIE ELLER BESTÄLLARE? Den kommunala antikvariens roll i upphandling av antikvarisk konsult
This thesis examines the municipal antiquarian’s role in the public procurement of antiquarian
consultants. In the 1980’s the new Swedish Plan and Building Act emphasized the municipal
responsibility over the management ...
Lillhagens växthus Dokumentation och åtgärdsförslag
The aim of this study is to document and make proposals for action to Lillhagen greenhouse facility,
with consideration to its historic and cultural characteristics. Based on literature and archival studies,
the essay ...
Kultur(v)arv Historiens roll vid exploatering av ett varvs- och hamnområde på Södra Älvstranden i Göteborg
The primary purpose of this study is to examine the preserved buildings and structures in the port area of Majnabbe in Gothenburg and to sort out any cultural values in the studied area. By talking to stakeholders the goal ...