Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård by Title
Now showing items 365-384 of 617
Nanoprodukter En granskning av nanoprodukter och dess kapacitet att avlägsna mögelmissfärgningar
(2013-07-03)This report has explored the use of nanoparticles, micro-emulsions and chemical gels as advanced systems for extracting discoloration from mold on mural paintings. The purpose is to investigate the cleaning results and ... -
Nationalromantik - en internationell trend
(2017-10-04)This thesis was dedicated to investigate and discuss the epoque in Sweden that between 1890 to 1920 within arts and culture, with emphasis on architecture, was commonly referred to as national romanticism. The major ... -
ETT NATIONALROMANTISKT MISCHMASCH En analys av debatten kring ISTs huvudkontor
(2020-08-05)The aim of this study is to examine an architectural debate surrounding two planned buildings in Växjö, Sweden. The different views of architects and non-architects come into focus. Critical discourse analysis is used to ... -
Det nationella arbetet med hemslöjden som näringsgren under åren 2008-2014
(2014-11-04)The essay deals with how Swedish national authorities have treated handicraft as business during the years 2008-2014. In 2008 a report came that dealt with the difficulties the business was experiencing. This essay has ... -
Nattluckor : en studie om invändiga fönsterluckors konstruktion och funktion
(2023-06-08)This bachelor's thesis is about historic interior shutters known as boxing or folding shutters. This type of shutter, mostly common in Europe during the 18th and 19th century, is mainly found in the homes of the upper ... -
Naturen som färg- och formkälla vid växtkomposition. En undersökning av gestaltningsprocessen
(2013-07-01)It is difficult to find ideas for new plant compositions and landscaping designs. The nature and the wilderness can be a sort of inspiration for new design ideas. The aim of this work is to show how a biotope´s aesthetic ... -
NÄR BILEN TOG ÖVER STADEN En fallstudie över Oscarsleden och dess påverkan på stads- och kulturmiljön
(2017-06-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon “the automotive city” and its impact and consequences on the built environment on the southern shore of Göta älv in central Gothenburg. The city highway Oscarsleden ... -
Närodlade altarblommor. Svenska Kyrkans möjligheter att odla egna snittblommor
(2015-05-13)Reflections on the use of altar flowers and how they are procured led to this thesis. There has been a strong development in Fairtrade and locally grown food but the same cannot be said for cut flowers. The largest religious ... -
Nedfästning av oljemåleri på puts. En fallstudie från salongen på Mostorps slott i Halland
(2010-03-19)This thesis, designed as a case study, is about complications concerning conservation of a decorative oil paint on lime plaster from the drawing-room in Mostorp castle sited in the county of Halland in south-west of Sweden. ... -
(2019-09-11)This thesis is an attempt to investigate the possibilities of protecting historic neon signs as heritage with some of the two Swedish laws that protect the built heritage. Kulturmiljölagen (SFS 1988:950) and Plan- och ... -
Norrbacka 1 : den glömda trädgården
(2023-05-03)The left garden of Norrbacka 1, today Domprostegården 5:1, is an interesting place where plants of older varieties may be found. It´s important that places like this will be noticed so the society does not miss out on ... -
Ett nödvändigt arv - De offentliga toaletterna som kulturarv och deras värde
(2017-08-29)The Cultural heritage can sometimes be concealed by the notions of predetermined minds and actions. The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of the public toilets as material objects and intangible cultural ... -
Nya metoder för fernissaborttagning – En komparativ studie
(2023-11-08)In recent years, new varnish removal methods have emerged in conservation, with two notable approaches: the tissue-gel composite method, involving gel-coated tissue material pressed onto varnished surfaces for simultaneous ... -
Det nya nordiska kökets skafferi - grönsaksodling på tak
(2016-07-06)On a rooftop in Tokyo, among plants, strongly associated with Japanese cooking, the thought of a rooftop farm in Sweden aroused within me. This bachelor thesis uses The New Nordic Kitchen Manifesto as a framework to define ... -
Odla på annans mark - studie av tre sluss- och brovaktarboställen vid Göta kanal, 1825–2015
(2015-06-10)Göta Canal is one of the largest construction projects ever undertaken in Sweden. The purpose of the survey is to examine more closely how the culture at the Lockkeeper were utilized and changed during the period 1825 to ... -
Odling av färgväxter. En kulturhistorisk undersökning ur ett hortikulturellt perspektiv
(2014-09-15)This work describes dye plants and their cultivation through the history until present day. Some species has traditionally been cultivated through centuries to extract dyestuff for dyeing textile fibers. Natural dyes are ... -
Odlingsförsök efter Maria Thuns så–kalender. En undersökning av morötter som odlats på de fem kalenderdagarna rot, blad, blom, frukt och ogynnsam dag
(2017-01-18)Despite Maria Thun's 50-year experience and the peer-reviewed studies available, the sowing-calendar is today regarded as highly controversial. In the field of biodynamics the use of this kind of calendar, which takes the ... -
ODLINGSSUBSTRAT FÖR KRUKVÄXTER Ur ett historiskt och hantverksmässigt perspektiv
(2020-09-16)Growing potted plants indoors and in greenhouses brings special demands on the growing media. The gardeners of the 19th century depended on ingredients for their growing medias that could be found in the nearby nature or ... -
OFFENTLIG KONST OCH DET NÄTVERKANDE MUSEET Användning av digitala webb-baserade lösningar för tillgängliggörande av den offentliga konsten
(2022-07-05)All over Sweden there are large amounts of so-called public art commissioned and paid for by the community. The art can be free standing outdoors, connected to buildings or freely placed indoors such as paintings. The ... -
Den offentliga kulturmiljövården och miljonprogrammets bostadsbebyggelse
(2010-06-29)The intention with this essay has been to examine how the public instances working with cultural heritage in Sweden deals with the housing built under the period of the so called miljonprogrammet (“the million programme”) ...