Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård by Title
Now showing items 213-232 of 617
JACOBSBERG - EN TRÄDGÅRD GLÖMD I TIDEN En fallstudie om en bortglömd trädgård på Gotland & dess bevarande
(2020-11-03)This thesis is a case study of a forgotten garden called Jacobsberg on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The garden was built by the enigmatic couple Anna and Jacob Dubbe during the first decades of the 19th century and it ... -
Jaummuovárrie blomsteräng: en värdering av artrikedomen och dess kulturhistoriska roll
(2024-04-17)The thesis "Jaummuovárrie Flower Meadow: An Assessment of Species Diversity and Cultural History," provides a detailed botanical examination of Jaummuovárrie flower meadow in the Ammarnäs area, focusing on its biodiversity ... -
Jämförande studie om hantering av fragment och lösa delar med okänd tillhörighet i en samling
(2018-06-19)It sometimes happens that loose fragments are found in a collection. Museums and historic houses often have routines for collecting these pieces for a future assembly. But fragments and loose parts may have been found ... -
Jämförelse av två olika våtrengöringsmetoder för vävda tapeter
(2016-06-21)The theme of this diplomawork is a comparison between two different wet cleaning methods for tapestries. The first method investigated is traditional wet cleaning in a basin, where the tapestry, when treated with natural ... -
En jämförelsestudie av träprover som konserverats med olika metoder Förändringar i färg, vikt och dimension
(2016-06-27)This essay focuses on waterlogged wood that was conserved in the late 1980s. It was the group Wet Organic Archaeological Materials (WOAM) of the International Council of Museum committee for conservation (ICOM-CC) that ... -
JÄMTGÅRDEN Dokumentation med fokus på interiörens limfärgsdekor
(2010-06-29)This bachelor thesis summarises the history of “Jämtgården” based on literature research and empirical documentation. Jämtgården is a typical 1800th century duplex timber building originating from the province of Jämtland. ... -
Jordgubbsdalens kungar. Bärodling i Finnerödja under 1900-talet
(2017-02-03)The commercial strawberry cultivation in the Finnerödja area lasted for 70 years, starting in the 1920ies. The craftsmanship was passed on from generation to generation. In the 1960ies, the small-scale business represented ... -
Jönsas fruktträdgård i Äskhults by - historia och framtid
(2016-06-07)This study highlights the value of fruit tree preservation and the importance of caring for old fruit trees using authentic methods in Äskhults cultural reserve. The study concerns the fruit trees of Äskhult, focusing ... -
Ju fler desto bättre! En studie för att gynna biologisk mångfald i trädgården vid Stadsnära Lantgård i Lidköping
(2018-05-04)Stadsnära Lantgård is an in-town farm, open to the public. The purpose of the company is to work at a local level in order to contribute to a sustainable society. The farm wants to give visitors the opportunity to learn ... -
JUGENDARKITEKTUR I GÖTEBORG Regionalt och kosmopolitiskt i Göteborgs stadsrum
(2018-10-05)This thesis investigates and discusses Art Nouveau architecture in Gothenburg, with emphasis on the exterior. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the Art Nouveau in Gothenburg. It is also to identify and determine ... -
Kalk- och gipsstuckatur En studie i traditionella hantverksmetoder, användningsmaterial och restaureringsåtgärder
(2015-06-30)The aim of this thesis is to explore the subject of decorative plasterwork, defining the changing materials and methods used in its manufacture from the 16th century onwards, and investigating different ways of reconstructing ... -
Kalkbränning i fältugn. Tillvägagångssätt vid uppbyggnad och eldning
(2015-10-05)A common problem often addressed, within the field of conservation, is the use of plasters and mortars containing cement on old buildings where traditional local lime mortars originally have been used. Documentation thru ... -
Kantskärning. En teoretisk och praktisk undersökning av handredskap för kantskärning
(2011-09-07)Kantskärning är ett relativt stort arbetsmoment inom skötsel av utemiljöer. Trots detta finns det väldigt lite information om lämpliga metoder och redskap för sysslan. Detta arbete har koncentrerat sig på den manuella ... -
Karakteristika og identifikation af okker - samt dets anvendelse som pigment i ældre skandinavisk helle- og kalkmaleri
(2016-06-20)This thesis focuses on the material referred to as ochre. The aim of the project is to present the composition and formation of ochres and the analytical methods that can be used to identify them. Contextual examples of ... -
Karbonatisering i kalkputs. Hur hantverksmetoder kan påverka processen
(2018-06-19)This thesis illustrates how the rate in which carbonation occurs in plasters with air-lime mortars can be affected by different surface structures and by the application of water as an after treatment over time. In the ... -
KARLSTADS STADSTRÄDGÅRD -Historisk dokumentation och bevarandeplan för det ursprungliga trädbeståndet
(2020-10-06)The interest in Karlstad´s city garden, began as a personal connection and a curiosity for its history. The purpose of this thesis is to compile a historical documentation that covers the entire history of Karlstad´s city ... -
En kartläggning av invändiga fönsterluckors utbredning och konstruktion
(2024-04-25)Interior window shutters can be found in historical buildings, but they are an uncommon occurrence in modern buildings. In modern contemporary construction, large glass panels are often the ideal because of increased ... -
KÄNSLOR OCH BYGGNADER. Hur förändringar i den byggda miljön påverkar vår känsla för plats.
(2024-11-12)This bachelor thesis aims to explore the public´s personal connection and attachment to place, as well as their perception of changes in the built environment that has occurred in close proximity to the area. Based upon ... -
Kimono - bevarad tradition i utställningskontext
(2011-09-19)The kimono is a simply cut costume with a very advanced tradition of the wearer, which I hope to communicate through this essay. The long historical bakground of the kimono can give a better understanding of its construction ... -
KINNEKULLEBANANS JÄRNVÄGSPARKER Undersökning och kulturhistorisk värdering av stationerna Blomberg, Forshem och Österäng
(2020-09-16)This thesis aims at examining three Swedish railway parks along Kinnekullebanan, in the context of the landscaping activities carried out by both the local privately owned narrowgauge railway companies and the Swedish State ...