Department of Conservation / Institutionen för kulturvård
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Bo Blomqvists skogsträdgård: en fallstudie om en av Sveriges äldsta skogsträdgårdar
(2025-01-14)The interest in agroforestry has in recent years increased significantly in Sweden, specifically the interest for smaller systems like forest gardens. There are only a few older forest gardens in Sweden, one of the oldest ... -
KÄNSLOR OCH BYGGNADER. Hur förändringar i den byggda miljön påverkar vår känsla för plats.
(2024-11-12)This bachelor thesis aims to explore the public´s personal connection and attachment to place, as well as their perception of changes in the built environment that has occurred in close proximity to the area. Based upon ... -
Ådnårisá: att böja stänger till tältkåta
(2024-10-28)This thesis is my exploration of the immaterial heritage that is the craft of bending of ådnårisá out of spruce. It’s a broken tradition that is scarcely described, mainly through Yngve Ryd’s report Tältkåtor (1999) ... -
LANDALA Stadsdel i skuggan av det förgångna
(2024-10-08)In the post-war era many European countries were recovering from the ravages of the bombings of the second world war destroying whole countries. Sweden being neutral was spared the destruction of war but instead we ... -
Fasadism som kulturvård
(2024-09-30)This study is an investigation of how façadism can be understood as an act of conservation and compensation in Sweden, through the definition of façadism as the act of retaining or reconstructing an existing façade with ... -
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet 2024, 180 hp Grundnivå 2024:03
(2024-09-30)Local cultural environment planning in Sweden often comes to rely on municipal heritage plans. These plans are meant to facilitate management of local cultural values, work as a tool for local planning and increase ... -
MON En mittpunkt i periferin
(2024-09-30)This thesis takes its starting point in the humanistic cultural-geographical concept of place, with the aim of achieving a greater understanding of what constitutes the place Mon today. Mon is located in the northwestern ... -
(2024-09-30)With the political situation that prevails in the world, the need for contingency planning for the ecclesiastical heritage has become actualized with the aim of protecting the churches and their assets in war and armed ... -
KULTURVÅRD & CIRKULÄR EKONOMI Att skydda befintlig bebyggelse och främja en hållbar utveckling i fysisk planering
(2024-09-30)This paper examines the opportunities and challenges of integrating conservation practice and the circular economy into practical planning processes. In recent years, the discussion of circular economy and its relevance ... -
Robert Nilssons Väggrelief: En fallstudie
(2024-09-25)This thesis focuses on a mounted wall relief by the artist Robert Nilsson that is located in the humanities faculty of Gothenburg university library. The artwork is damaged and in need of treatment. There is, however, very ... -
KONSOLIDERING AV LIMFÄRG MED FUNORI En undersökande studie på limfärgsbemålade innertaksbrädor från Hägerstad gamla kyrka
(2024-09-25)This thesis is a review of the effects of Funori used for consolidating distemper ceiling paintings from Hägerstad old church, dated back to the early seventeenth century. The aim was to demonstrate a potential method to ... -
Climate Adaptation from the Gardeners Perspective: A Comparative Study between Sweden and the United Kingdom
(2024-09-17)This thesis presents a comparative study into the practices and perspectives of 19 heritage gardeners across nine gardens in the United Kingdom and Sweden, focusing on their responses to climate change. The study encompasses ... -
Kvinnorna & trädgården på Södertuna slott: en fallstudie om Södertunas trädgårdshistoria mellan 1805–1839 och 1891–1960
(2024-09-10)This essay is a case study that examines the garden history of Södertuna Castle trough the perspective of women’s-history. It does so by examining the two time periods 1805-1839 and 1891-1960 when the two women, first ... -
Shifting water-land relations: Understanding heritage through a landscape approach in the proposed biosphere reserve at Lake Hjälmaren
(2024-09-10)The Lake Hjälmaren landscape is defined by changing relationships between water and land over time and has been formatively shaped by human activity in the modern era. The last 150 years have seen a succession of wide-scale ... -
Exploring the Efficacy of Adhesives in Plastic Bonding: A Comprehensive Experimental Analysis with Emphasis on PVC-P Conservation
(2024-09-10)This research project conducted a comprehensive investigation into the long-term compatibility of six distinct adhesives with PVC-P plastic, a plastic material with a high degree of problematic characteristics in museum ... -
Restoration Techniques for a Vandalized Aluminum Artwork: A Case Study of Lucio Fontana’s Teatrino from Les Quattro Oggetti e Due Poesie collection
(2024-08-22)This thesis investigates and evaluates various shaping methods for restoring a vandalized aluminum artwork. The methods examined include mechanical cold-working, hot-working – a soft annealing technique, and a combination ... -
LASCAUX® MEDIUM FOR CONSOLIDATION Material Properties Before & After Artificial Aging
(2024-08-22)Lascaux® Medium for Consolidation (MfC) is an aqueous dispersion of acrylic copolymers that was developed for consolidation of polychrome wooden objects. While there have been studies investigating the properties of MfC, ... -
Fläckreducering – Blå Vinranka En jämförande studie av två efterbehandlingsmetoder vid rengöring av glaserad keramik
(2024-08-22)This study explores the effects of two different post-treatment methods on stain reduction in glazed creamware from the late 20th century. The objects stains have been characterized by type one and type two stains which ... -
Konsolidering av vävspända papperstapeter: analys och metodutveckling
(2024-08-22)Printed and painted wallpaper on a weaved fabric backing was a common way to decorate homes in Sweden during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Not much is written about the craftsmanship in relation to the hanging ... -
Omkonservering av Vattendränkt Läder Analys och Metodutveckling för Vasaskeppets Läderartefakter
(2024-08-22)In the collections of the Vasa Museum, 100 leather objects have exhibited salt precipitations. The objects, that have previously been impregnated with PEG, have become deteriorated and fragmented due to the precipitations. ...