Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Hassel i gotländska ängen. Samband mellan historiskt hasselbruk och biologisk mångfald
This essay explores the traditional usage of hazel in wooded meadows in the island of Gotland, and the relations between this usage and the biodiversity of these lands. Research on relations between historical land-use and ...
Solitära bin i kulturlandskapet. En undersökning av förutsättningar för den rödlistade arten fibblesandbi (Andrena fulvago) vid 1700-talets slut och dess förutsättningar idag
Most studies made on wild solitary bees in recent time shows that their numbers are declining. This essay examines the change in life conditions over time for a red-listed (NT) species of mining bee (Andrena fulvago), ...
Stubbskottsbruk - historisk hävd som framtida bioenergiresurs?
In pace with the increasing energy demand is a growing demand for alternative energy sources. In Sweden, the establishment of energy forests on farmland has been one of the answers to this demand. Plantations of this kind ...
Biologisk mångfald på urbana begravningsplatser : från välvårdat till välmående
With a thorough literature study this paper aims to pinpoint several biological features that in some way functions to preserve and/or benefit biodiversity in urban environments and, if possible, specifically urban cemeteries. ...