Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Tree stump manipulation - An experimental method to accelerate decomposition in tree stumps to compensate for the shortfall in dead wood substrate
Current forestry exploits put a lot of strain on the global ecosystem that all life on earth depends on. Boreal natural dynamic forest environments are turned into sterile clear-cut areas. Forestry exploits also affect the ...
Biologisk mångfald på urbana begravningsplatser : från välvårdat till välmående
With a thorough literature study this paper aims to pinpoint several biological features that in some way functions to preserve and/or benefit biodiversity in urban environments and, if possible, specifically urban cemeteries. ...
Kulturreservatet Gunnebos öppna diken - en undersökning med avstamp i kulturhistorisk värdering och biologisk mångfald
This essay was written with the knowledge that Gunnebo’s landscape management plan is in
need of revision, mainly to adapt its maintenance to new research and updated national
environmental goals. The cultural reserve’s ...