Now showing items 21-30 of 39
Plafondmålningar - Arkitektförbundet Måleri på duk, Skadefenomen och åtgärdsproblematik
The concept of large paintings includes panoramas, cycloramas and other paintings that
in size exceeds the normal magnitude of wall hung paintings. When these large paintings
are mounted in the ceiling, they are referred ...
Utemiljön vid mentalsjukhus Betydelse, förändring och bevarande
The primary purpose of this study is to examine mental hospitals historic connection to its park and green areas and how the outdoor environment at former mental hospitals is protected and valued in current urban planning. ...
Solitära bin i kulturlandskapet. En undersökning av förutsättningar för den rödlistade arten fibblesandbi (Andrena fulvago) vid 1700-talets slut och dess förutsättningar idag
Most studies made on wild solitary bees in recent time shows that their numbers are declining. This essay examines the change in life conditions over time for a red-listed (NT) species of mining bee (Andrena fulvago), ...
Limning av metallföremål
Metal objects have traditionally not been repaired or constructed by adhesives, but
primarily by soldering, welding, and mechanical assemblies. Soldering has many
disadvantages for the conservator such as lack of ...
Ove Hidemarks restaurering av Kina slott - slottsarkitektens roll i teori och praktik
The Chinese pavilion at Drottningholm is a national historical building, located on the island Lovön in lake Mälaren. In 1991 Drottningholm was included in the World Heritage List, UNESCO. The national property board of ...
OLJEMÅLERI PÅ PAPPER Undersökning av material och tillstånd hos en målning av Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann
This study contains an investigation of a 19th century oil painting on paper by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann, which is mounted on a secondary support of cardboard. The paint layer appears to be in good condition, but the ...
Rengöring av fjäder med lösningsmedel En undersökning som uppmärksammar naturliga oljor från uropygialkörteln
When discussing the cleaning of feathers with solvents, the possible removal of natural preen oils is often mentioned. The aim of this essay, is to investigate to what extent four solvents (commonly used in conservation) ...
Vilket Värmland?
The Swedish system of listing buildings, byggnadsminnesförklaring, is a conservation tool which requires selection. Only a very limited number of objects can receive the protection of byggnadsminne.
This study focuses on ...
Bemålad och förgylld vimpel av siden. En fallstudie med fokus på praktisk metodutveckling
The aim of this study is to design and establish effective methods of conserving a
part of a pennant from the early 1700s. The pennant is made out of a single sheet
of silk, which is decorated on both sides with a mirror ...
Sakkunnig kontroll avseende kulturvärden En undersökning av tillämpning och konsekvenser av certifieringssystemet
This thesis investigates the system of certification of antiquarians that has been developed by The National Board of Housing in Sweden. The system of certification aims to facilitate
the securing of heritage preservation ...