Now showing items 11-16 of 16
Trädgårdsstaden - en hotad kulturmiljö? En undersökning av tillbyggnader och dess påverkan i trädgårdsstadsområdena Smedslätten, Ålsten och Äppelviken
In the following paper I study the laws and guidelines wich control the addition of small houses in
Garden cities in Sweden with focus on the residential district Smedslätten, Ålsten and Äppelviken
in Stockholm. Garden ...
Konservering inför utställning - fallstudie kring bemålade vävtapeter på Röhsska museet
The aim of this paper is to highlight issues and potential problems regarding conservation in
an exhibition situation. The thesis presents a case study from the Röhsska museum, in
Gothenburg, where an interior of painted ...
Kalk- och gipsstuckatur En studie i traditionella hantverksmetoder, användningsmaterial och restaureringsåtgärder
The aim of this thesis is to explore the subject of decorative plasterwork, defining the changing materials and methods used in its manufacture from the 16th century onwards, and investigating different ways of reconstructing ...
Restaurering av marmoreringsmåleri Behov av samsyn och kommunikation
The purpose with this essay is to describe marbling from a preserving point of view. An introduction is given to marbling through the history, with descriptions of where it has been painted, who the painters where as well ...
Konstnärernas trädgård : en processanalys av trädgårdsrekonstruktionen på Carl Larsson-gården
The essay is a case study that describes the reconstruction process of the garden at Carl Larssongården that took place between 2010-2014. The survey places particular emphasis on horticultural historical values and how ...
Betonreparation: imitation af eksisterende betonoverflader gennem bearbejdning
Concrete is the most widespread building material in modern construction and has been crucial
to the development of modern architecture, over the past two centuries. However, it has gained a
bad reputation, partly due ...