Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Restaurering med naturlig cement
This essay has as its purpose to analyse natural cement and the use of this material for restorations. The essay is based on
literature studies as well as a number of interviews and may work as a basis for discussion for ...
Åldriga hamlade lindar. En utvärdering 30 år efter restaureringsinsats
This study aims to investigate and describe the condition of lapsed pollarded lime trees 30 years after restoration and to evaluate the long term impact of the restoration method on the trees and their associated habitats. ...
Ett kulturarv i Stockholms innerstad med exempel från Vasastan
In this paper I investigate the role and perceived value of late 19th century and early 20th century fixed interior decors in modern home design ideals. I conduct case studies of four apartments built in Stockholm (Sweden) ...
Energieffektivisering av befintlig bebyggelse med exempel från Göteborgsområdet
This thesis concerns to investigate renovations of existing buildings aiming at enabling energy efficiency, from a conservation and restoration perspective. This includes performing case studies of three projects in the ...
Gårdssmedjor i södra Gästrikland En studie av Hedesunda och Österfärnebo socknar
Poorly maintained forges are a common sight in the province of Gästrikland. Because of their changed appearance, possible move from the origin location and poor items related knowledge they will rarely qualify for the range ...
Bruka eller bevara Olika perspektiv på flytten av Gästgiveriet Gårdsten
The aim of this thesis is to suggest a way of restoring an old inn called Gästgiveriet Gårdsten, intended to be relocated for preservation, by exploring the concept of heritage and the different meanings it has today and ...
Utemiljön vid mentalsjukhus Betydelse, förändring och bevarande
The primary purpose of this study is to examine mental hospitals historic connection to its park and green areas and how the outdoor environment at former mental hospitals is protected and valued in current urban planning. ...
Limning av metallföremål
Metal objects have traditionally not been repaired or constructed by adhesives, but
primarily by soldering, welding, and mechanical assemblies. Soldering has many
disadvantages for the conservator such as lack of ...
Ove Hidemarks restaurering av Kina slott - slottsarkitektens roll i teori och praktik
The Chinese pavilion at Drottningholm is a national historical building, located on the island Lovön in lake Mälaren. In 1991 Drottningholm was included in the World Heritage List, UNESCO. The national property board of ...
Studie i retuschering av målningar -historik, begrepp och metoder
Retouching or inpainting, a term often used, belongs to restoration and is a complex area that requires interdisciplinary knowledge, both of materials and technology but also a works history and its context. Retouching is ...