Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Remningstorps herrgård – trädgårdens utveckling från 1850-tal och fram till idag
Remningstorp is a mansion owned by Hildur and Sven Wingquist Foundation for forest scientific
research, and Skogssällskapet manages the property. The mansion is located in Västergötland,
Skara municipality, next to the ...
Utemiljön vid mentalsjukhus Betydelse, förändring och bevarande
The primary purpose of this study is to examine mental hospitals historic connection to its park and green areas and how the outdoor environment at former mental hospitals is protected and valued in current urban planning. ...
Sakkunnig kontroll avseende kulturvärden En undersökning av tillämpning och konsekvenser av certifieringssystemet
This thesis investigates the system of certification of antiquarians that has been developed by The National Board of Housing in Sweden. The system of certification aims to facilitate
the securing of heritage preservation ...