Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Tentative States of Heritage Facts-‐in-‐the ground as facts-‐on-‐the-‐ground in the Tentative Lists of Israel and Palestine
In 2011 Palestine became a member state of UNESCO and ratified the World Heritage
Convention. When Palestine became a State Party of the convention a new arena, the super
bowl of cultural heritage, known as the World ...
Badrum i Sverige mellan 1930 och 1980 - En undersökning av kulturvårdens glömda rum
This work deals with the form bathrooms have taken in time and aims at exploring whether these can be regarded as cultural significant, but also how the estate-owner‘s knowledge is embodied. The work is limited to the ...
This thesis is an attempt to investigate the possibilities of protecting historic neon signs as heritage with some of the two Swedish laws that protect the built heritage. Kulturmiljölagen (SFS 1988:950) and Plan- och ...
STADENS GÖMDA ARKITEKTUR Antikvarisk värdering och hantering av gårdsfasader kring förra sekelskiftet
The purpose of this study is to investigate inner yard facades on buildings erected by the turn of the century and try to understand its roll as a cultural heritage. The study will there after find out how it should be ...
Spåren av det gamla Rosenlund - Historiseringen av en föränderlig stadsmiljö
This study is about Rosenlund, an area of the central Gothenburg city, that holds a rich history. The
area is mainly fameous for the old bastion on site, as well as the fish trade located in the area since the
early 19:th ...
Flykten från samtiden - Föreställningar kring ordning och oordning i bevarandet av Göteborgs koloniträdgårdar
The purpose of this study is to investigate issues concerning the value and significance of the allotment garden, based on different experiences, ideas and perceptions of the gardens by the different parties involved. The ...
Värderingsmodell för allmogeträdgården. En studie av gården Anestorps trädgård
The purpose of this study is to broaden the understanding of the garden´s significance for the overall picture of the farm. The aim is to create a valuation model especially designed for a historical garden on the ...
Bruka eller bevara Olika perspektiv på flytten av Gästgiveriet Gårdsten
The aim of this thesis is to suggest a way of restoring an old inn called Gästgiveriet Gårdsten, intended to be relocated for preservation, by exploring the concept of heritage and the different meanings it has today and ...
Sverige – Ryssland: Modernismens arkitektur i tid och rum
This work deals with style comparison between Swedish and Russian pre-war modernism in architecture, as well as architectural examples and problems of modernist heritage treatment in both countries. Method of study is ...
IKONER PÅ KONSTMUSEUM En jämförande studie av Nationalmuseums utställning i Stockholm och utställandet av ikonen Guds Moder av Vladimir på Tretjakovgalleriet i Moskva
Exhibiting and managing religious objects in museums presents a challenge due to their religious and
sacred context, which may or may not be taken into account. When an object enters into a museum, it
is stripped of its ...