Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology and the Languages of the World
This thesis presents work in two areas; Language Technology and Linguistic
In the field of Language Technology, a specific problem is addressed: Can a
computer extract a description of word conjugation in a ...
Empowering Empirical Research in Software Design: Construction and Studies on a Large-Scale Corpus of UML Models
Context: In modern software development, software modeling is considered to be an essential part of the software architecture and design activities. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the de facto standard for ...
Proactive Software Complexity Assessment
Large software development companies primarily deliver value to their customers by continuously enhancing the functionality of their products. Continuously developing software for customers insures the enduring success of ...
Learning Language (with) Grammars: From Teaching Latin to Learning Domain-Specific Grammars
This thesis describes work in three areas: grammar engineering, computer-assisted language learning and grammar learning. These three parts are connected by the concept of a grammar-based language learning application.
Two ...
Sheaf Semantics in Constructive Algebra and Type Theory
In this thesis we present two applications of sheaf semantics. The first is to give constructive proof of Newton-Puiseux theorem. The second is to show the independence of Markov's principle from type theory.
In the ...
Programming Language Techniques for Natural Language Applications
It is easy to imagine machines that can communicate in natural language. Constructing such machines is more difficult. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate
how declarative grammar formalisms that distinguish between ...
Efficiency and Automation in Threat Analysis of Software Systems
Context: Security is a growing concern in many organizations. Industries developing software systems plan for security early-on to minimize expensive code refactorings after deployment. In the design phase, teams of experts ...
Calculi for Program Incorrectness and Arithmetic
This thesis is about the development and usage of deductive methods in two
main areas: (i) the deductive dis-verification of programs, i.e., how techniques
for deductive verification of programs can be used to detect ...
Formal Methods for Testing Grammars
Grammar engineering has a lot in common with software engineering. Analogous to a program specification, we use descriptive grammar books; in place of unit tests, we have gold standard corpora and test cases for manual ...
Frontiers of Multilingual Grammar Development
The thesis explores a number of ways for developing multilingual grammars written in GF (Grammatical Framework). The goal is to enhance both the coverage of the grammars, in terms of content and number of languages, and ...