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dc.contributor.authorRamakoloi, Bonolo Kelefang
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted in Sweden to reflect on the country’s adolescent sexuality education and the youth service providers’ experiences. Method: 5 interviews were held, 1 individual and 4 group interviews. Groups were made up of 3 people in two of the groups and 2 people in the other two groups. Data used was primary from (informants) and secondary (researches made in Sweden about the subject area). Results: Empirical findings show that sexuality education in Sweden has long been provided targeting school pupils. Most frequently taught subjects include factual information about growth and development, reproductive systems, empowerment through such skills as (refusal, negotiation of condom use, how to terminate a relationship etc), STIs including HIV and teenage pregnancy to mention but a few. It is teachers and school counsellors who discuss sexuality issues and often they would invite guests from youth clinics and other organisations such as RFSU i.e. the Swedish Association for sexuality education and The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (commonly known as RFSL in Swedish). RFSU is much more invited. The Swedish government has Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health policies and has also established youth clinics which have qualified staff to deal with young people’s psychological, sexuality and other related problems. Finally, the report shows that some factors contribute to the rise in the number of STIs among youth in Sweden and it is the service providers’ desire to reverse this problem.en
dc.subjectsexual reproductive healthen
dc.subjectsexuality educationen
dc.subjectSTIs preventionen
dc.subjectself efficacyen
dc.titleSexuality Education in Sweden - A study based on research and young people's service providers in Gothenburgen
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborg University/Department of Social Workeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbeteswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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