Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för kulturvård
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Människor och målningar. Inredningsmåleri i hälsingegårdar 1750–1800
(2024-05-13)Hälsingland is a province that historically had no nobility and where farmers were freeholders. From the end of the Middle Ages to the second half of the 19th century, wall and ceiling paintings have been preserved in ... -
From Gone to Gain: Exploring the Scope of Historic Environment Compensation in Planning
(2023-11-28)Large planning projects inserted in old cities often cause physical loss of the historic environments they encounter. Public actors face the challenge of conserving these environments, while simultaneously considering ... -
Leaving dry land: Water, heritage and imaginary agency
(2023-09-01)This doctoral dissertation explores the interplay between water, heritage and the agency of the imagination. Instead of seeking how to map subjects or heritage, the research focuses on the ways in which mapping and the ... -
Staten som trädgårdsmästare. Järnvägens planteringar från naturförsköningskonst till testamente
Järnvägen är en av de innovationer som påverkat modern samhällsutveckling allra mest. När de första stambanorna började att byggas i mitten av 1800-talet anlades planteringar som en integrerad komponent i järnvägssystemet. ... -
Painting Treatments of Weather-Exposed Ferrous Heritage. Exploration of Oil Varnish Paints and Painting Skills
(2021-10-15)This thesis is about industrial heritage—the protection of ferrous heritage by using anticorrosive oil varnish paints. The purpose of this thesis in Kulturvård and craft research is to provide guidelines, tools, concepts, ... -
Balancing Building Conservation with Energy Conservation - Towards differentiated energy renovation strategies in historic building stocks
(2021-05-20)Balancing building conservation with energy conservation is challenging. The overall aim of this thesis is to bridge the perceived conflict of reaching climate and energy goals on the one hand and the goals of a sustainable ... -
Managing Ecclesiastical Heritage - Transformation of Discourses, Roles and Policy in Sweden
(2021-03-24)Religious heritage is in a state of transformation. Changing religious practices and secularization affect the established Christian congregations in many countries, as membership decreases and churches close. During recent ... -
Konsten att förvalta. Bevarandets utmaningar och möjligheter – värderingar och beslutsprocesser i 1900-talets Sverige rörande offentlig byggnadsanknuten konst
(2020-12-16)Denna avhandling har tillkommit i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för bevarande av byggnadsanknuten konst i offentlig miljö. Bakgrunden är de stora utmaningar samhället står inför när det gäller att bevara det ... -
Det frivillige fartøyvernet i Noreg - Historisk bakgrunn, omfang og motivasjon
(2020-06-03)Voluntary Ship Preservation in Norway: — Historical Background, Scope and Motivation Introduction: Today historic ships are recognised and publicly valued as an important part of Nor-way’s cultural heritage, with ... -
Management regimes for lawns and hedges in historic gardens
(2020-02-26)Management regimes for lawns and hedges in historic gardens This research investigates and compares eighteenth-century and contemporary garden management methods with a focus on the structural elements of lawns and hedges ... -
Kalkbruk - krympsprickor och historisk utveckling av material, metoder och förhållningsätt
(2019-01-31)I denna avhandling undersöks uppkomst av krympsprickor i puts. I undersökningen används våtsläckt sub- hydrauliska kalk. Den aktuella kalksorten har används i Sverige under 1800- och 1900-talet men också under 2000-talet ... -
I sökandet efter delaktighet. Praktik, aktörer och kulturmiljöarbete.
(2019-01-17)This dissertation concerns national heritage management as it is performed as an established institutional practice and a politically defined engagement. Since the late 1990´s an overarching political objective has been ... -
Wooden objects in historic buildings: Effects of dynamic relative humidity and temperature
(2017-11-24)Cultural heritage objects and interiors are found not only in museums but also in historic buildings, often with less climate control. The indoor environment in such buildings may be colder and more humid, and can fluctuate. ... -
Interpretations of old wood. Figuring mid-twelfth century church architecture in west Sweden
(2017-11-23)This thesis explores mid-twelfth century church architectures in west Sweden. The architectures are investigated in the light of a case, five parish churches’ naves, in particular their attics and surviving mid-twelfth ... -
Trädgårdsmästarens förökningsmetoder: dokumentation av hantverkskunskap
(2017-05-29)Plant propagation is craft expertise that has been developed within a gardening tradition in which knowledge has primarily been transferred from one practitioner to another by showing and explaining. When the transfer of ... -
Making Sense of Heritage Planning. Experiences from Ghana and Sweden
(2017-04-14)Heritage has become a key element in the development of places, and historic areas have become valuable spaces because of their economic relevance for global cultural tourism. However, the interpretations and management ... -
Förhandlingar om kulturföremål. Parters intressen och argument i processer om återförande av kulturföremål
(2017-03-03)Disputes over demands for a return of cultural objects, in many cases museum objects, are well known. But such conflicts can also be seen as negotiations, which can be analyzed as well. This thesis adds a negotiation ... -
Decision making on indoor climate control in historic buildings: knowledge, uncertainty and the science-practice gap
(2016-09-09)Balancing use, preservation and energy use is a fundamental challenge for the whole heritage field. This is put to the point in designing and operating systems for indoor climate control in historic buildings, where competing ... -
Ageing and Conservation of Silk - Evaluation of Three Support Methods Using Artificiallay Aged Silk
(2015-10-19)The general aim of this thesis is to evaluate common remedial conservation support methods used in the conservation treatments of fragile silk costumes that have experienced physical damage. It is based on five papers. ... -
Skolehuset som kulturminne - Lokale verdier og nasjonal kulturminneforvaltning
(2015-01-27)The aim of this work is to analyse how buildings linked to public education, nation building and democratisation, have been esteemed as heritage within a local context and by authorised heritage authorities. This comprehensive ...