Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Microbial ecology in deep granitic groundwater - activity and impact of viruses
The deep subsurface environments in granitic rock can be studied and sampled at the Äspö hard rock laboratory (HRL) close to Oskarshamn in Sweden. Here, the groundwater is anaerobic and total counts give numbers of 104 to ...
Functional characterisation of the yeast tumour suppressor homologue Sro7p
Correct targeting of newly synthesized proteins to appropriate domains of the cell membrane is crucial to cellular architecture, polarity and function, making it no surprise that many proteins of the secretory machinery ...
Cold Acclimation in oats and other plants: Dissecting low temperature responses using a comparative genomic approach.
Cold acclimation protects plants from temperate regions of the world from the deleterious effects of low and freezing temperatures. This is through a series of transcriptional, regulatory and metabolic changes that enable ...
Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene Candidates in Experimental Endometrial Carcinoma - From Cytogenetic to Molecular Analysis
Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the most common form of gynecological malignancy, ranking fourth in incidence among tumors diagnosed in women. As is the case with other complex diseases, detailed analyses of the underlying ...
The Oxidative and Osmotic Stress Responses of S. cerevisiae
The yeast Hog1 is a stress responsive mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) similar to mammalian p38 and JNK. Rck2 is a protein kinase downstream of Hog1. The Hog1 pathway was previously implicated exclusively in the ...