Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Sjuknärvaro : förekomst och utvecklingstendenser
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2002)
Sickness presenteeism prevalence and trends Sickness presenteeism, i.e. going to work despite judging one s current state of health as such that sick leave should be taken, was investigated in relation to occupation, ...
Anställningsformer, arbetsmiljö och hälsa i ett centrum-periferiperspektiv
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2000)
Forms of employment, work environment and health in to a centre : periphery perspective The aim of the study was to compare and analyse differences in work conditions and health between workers in permanent and temporary ...
Validering av frågor avseende nedvarvning och återhämtning : Samband mellan salivkortisol och subjektiva skattningar
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2006)
Validation of unwinding and recuperation questions : Correlations between salivary cortisol and subjective ratings The aim of this study was to validate subjective ratings of questions on unwinding and recuperation and to ...
Yrkes- och arbetsplatsinlåsning En empirisk studie av omfattning och hälsokonsekvenser
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2000)
Locked-in, in the occupation and the working place. An empirical study of prevalence and health consequencies. The aim of the study was to analyze health and working conditions for employees in different employment situations ...
Utbränning i Sverige : en populationsstudie
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2002)
Burnout in Sweden : a national survey Burnout among Swedes aged 18-64 years was studied in a national sample. Burnout was measured according to a process model by two instruments, Pines Burnout Measure and a scale for ...
Samband mellan sjuknärvaro, sjukfrånvaro och självskattad hälsa i den yrkesaktiva befolkningen
Aronsson G, Gustafsson K & Mellner C (2009) Samband mellan sjuknärvaro,
sjukfrånvaro och självskattad hälsa i den yrkesaktiva befolkningen. Arbete och
Hälsa 2009;43(3)
Samband mellan sjuknärvaro respektive ...