Department of Psychology / Psykologiska institutionen
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Children subjected to family violence: a retrospective study of life situation and trauma-focused treatment
(2025-01-22)Child maltreatment is a risk factor for developing serious psychopathology. Trauma-focused treatment is effective, but not all children benefit from it. The experiences of affected children are a vital source of knowledge ... -
Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: Mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns
(Addictive Behaviors, 2019)The aim of this study was to predict alcohol inebriation and mental health (internalizing and externalizing problems plus well-being), and potential gender-specific patterns among young adolescents, by a biopsychosocial ... -
Irritability and anger: Insights From Non-Clinical Samples and Patients with Premenstrual Dysphoria
(2024-05-16)Feelings of irritability or anger are common experiences, both in healthy individuals and in those with pathological conditions. However, the explication and operationalization of the differences and similarities between ... -
Peer Sexual Harassment in the Transition from Childhood to Adolescence
(2024-04-25)Peer sexual harassment is common among adolescents at school and is associated with adverse psychological outcomes for those involved. Despite this, research on peer sexual harassment in the transition from childhood to ... -
Theory of Mind Development in Swedish Preschoolers: Relations with Language, Executive function, Temperament, and the Social Environment
(2024-02-26)Understanding others in social situations is a cornerstone of any lifespan. A part of social understanding comes from appreciating other’s intentions, desires, and knowledge, which can be called an understanding of others’ ... -
Enhancing the Patient’s Role: Exploring patient influence in acceptance-based cognitive behavior therapy delivered via internet
(2024-02-23)Background: The global primary health care declaration emphasizes empowering patients to exert influence over their own health. A person-centered approach to care involves a shift from the traditional passive patient role ... -
To Love and Work - Romantic and Occupational Identity in Early Adulthood
(2024-01-23)The general aim of this thesis was to explore aspects of identity in early adulthood, namely occupation and romantic relationships, in the cultural context of Sweden in the 21st century. In order to explore narrative ... -
Säker ledare – ett samverkansprojekt för att förbättra säkerhetsledarskap och säkerhetskultur i bygg- och anläggningsindustrin
(2023)Syftet med forskningsprojektet Säker ledare var att undersöka hur byggplatschefer påverkas av, och själva påverkar, säkerhetskulturen i svensk bygg- och anläggningsindustri, samt hur platschefers ledarskap kan utvecklas ... -
Säker ledare: En handbok för individualiserad träning i beteendebaserat säkerhetsledarskap
(Psykologiska institutionen / Göteborgs universitet, 2023)Denna handbok har som syfte att bidra till säkrare beteenden på byggarbetsplatser. Den riktar sig till platschefer, arbetsledare och andra personer i ledande positioner inom byggsektorn. Handboken utgör ett praktiskt ... -
The family and the patient An investigation of mental health problems, risk factors, and support for members of the families of psychiatric patients
(2023-04-28)The aim of this thesis was to improve knowledge of the members of the families of patients in contact with psychiatry by investigating mental health problems, risk factors, and support received. The thesis is based on three ... -
Navigating Emerging Adulthood with the Experience of Being Bullied in School
(2023-03-08)The overall aim of this thesis is to broaden the understanding of long-term outcomes of experiencing bullying victimization in school, related to the developmental period of emerging adulthood as well as how it can be ... -
Come lie with me: On deception by groups and the concept of statement consistency
(2022-10-13)Research on the topic of group deception has primarily focused on cooffenders. The aim of this thesis was to further our understanding of group deception by examining the context of honest and deceptive alibis corroborated by ... -
Long-Term Outcomes of Bullying Victimization With a Specific Focus on Emerging Adulthood and Resilience
(University of Gothenburg / Göteborgs universitet, 2022)Bullying victimization in school is not only an experience at the time of victimization; the impact of these experiences has been found to be connected to long-term outcomes well into adulthood. The overall aim of this ... -
Parents´ experience of living with a child displaying oppositional defiant disorder. Top-down and bottom-up approaches to gain a deeper understanding of the complexity
(2022-05-11)Clinical levels of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) during childhood are considered a significant marker of risk to develop mental illness later in life. If serious behavior problems begin as early as preschool years ... -
The Measurement of Subjective Well-Being: Item Response Theory, Classical Test Theory, and Multidimensional Item Response Theory
(2022-04-25)For over 35 years, modern science has conceptualized happiness as subjective well-being, which has until recently been understood as a dual construct consisting of an affective component (positive and negative affect) and ... -
Clinical Perspectives on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Long-term, Naturalistic Follow-ups in Childhood and in Adulthood
(2022-04-21)The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the long-term outcome of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in childhood and in adulthood, as it is presented in typical patients in real-world settings. Study ... -
Internet-based psychological interventions for alcohol use disorder. Treating addiction and supporting concerned significant others
(2022-03-30)The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the efficacy of three internet interventions for alcohol problems: (1) high-intensity internet treatment (ePlus) compared to (2) an unguided low-intensity internet treatment ... -
On the psychology of environmental policy and the influence of social norms
(2022-03-03)Current environmental challenges, such as greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution, are large-scale problems that will be difficult to solve without the intervention of governments or the coordinated cooperation of a ... -
On Retirement and Cognitive Aging from a Life-Span Perspective
(2021-11-24)Retirement is a major life event potentially affecting domains such as cognitive functioning and well-being. The main aim of this thesis was to assess whether retirement influences cognitive functioning and how inter- ... -
Psychology for sustainable shared mobility: An investigation of the use of private cars and carsharing services
(2021-11-17)What are people’s travel patterns – both users and non-users of carsharing and private cars in European cities? What are the main psychological aspects of and motives for making a travel mode choice? This thesis aims to ...