Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Cardiovascular and metabolic control in obese children and adolescents
Childhood obesity is an emerging risk factor for disease and mortality worldwide. Thecardiovascular consequences and prevention thereof need to be further investigated. Exerciseand weight loss are well examined and effective ...
On the identification of visual defects in children in general and prematurely born children in particular
Aims: Papers I & II: To evaluate the consequences of changes in the criteria for referral to an eye clinic following general pre-school vision screening. According to the former criteria all 4 year old children in the ...
Gluten challenge in children with coeliac disease. With special reference to dose dependence and impact on growth markers and growth hormone secretion
Coeliac disease is a prevalent food intolerance in both children and adults, in which ingestion of gluten causes inflammation of the small intestine. This inflammation resolves upon gluten withdrawal, and gluten challenge ...
Testosterone and 17beta-oestradiol secretions in children and adolescents. Assay development, levels for comparison and clinical applications
Accurate measurements of 17beta-oestradiol and testosterone are important in clinical settings of pubertal disorders and hormone replacement therapy among children. Most assays for measurement of these steroids are optimised ...
Bladder dysfunction in boys with posterior urethral valves
Posterior urethral valve (PUV) is a congenital urethhhhal urethral obstruction only affecting boys. As a result of the obstruction in fetal life, these boys often have a persisting bladder dysfunction, which is one of the ...
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity triggered by dietary antigens in cow's milk protein intolerance and coeliac disease
Small amounts of dietary proteins pass undegraded into the circulation, an event initiating antibody production. Antibodies to dietary antigens might be beneficial by immune elimination of antigen as well as potentially ...
Regulation of human immune responses to allergens
The incidence of allergic diseases is increasing in the industrialized countries. Epidemiological studies indicate that there is an association between exposure to high levels of endotoxin or cat allergen during infancy ...