Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Effects of Immigration on Public Opinion on the Freedom of Movement
The freedom of movement of persons is a fundamental principle of European integration. Public support for EU policy on freedom of movement is essential, as this might influence the overall public support for EU. This thesis ...
The EU - a Normative Power: Understanding the EU's motivations through its use and non-use of sanctions (restrictive measures)
The objective is to understand to what extent the EU’s behaviors/reactions, especially the use
of sanctions, against the third countries vary in accordance with strategic or normative
motivations and secondarily how the ...
Solving the Rubik's Cube of European Security Strategy - Strategic Culture in the European External Action Service
A rapidly changing, increasingly complex and contentious global security environment has led to the European Union re-assessing its role as a strategic actor through the drafting of 2016’s new security strategy: the European ...
What about the Roma? - Analysis of EU's current policy regarding the situation of Roma in Europe
In Europe, Roma are marginalized, treated unequally, live in poverty and face exclusion on daily basis. Apart from the EU falling short in Roma integration, Roma continue to be subject of misconceptions and unfitting ideas ...
Civil Society and Integration Between Established Habitants and Newly Arrived in Europe
The aim of this research is to assess the possibilities in future development of integration in Europe as well as highlighting the importance of civil society in the integration work. The thesis is informed by a postcolonial ...
WHO IS THE GREEN LEADER IN SOLAR ENERGY MATTERS? A theorization of political leadership in domestic solar energy development in the cases of the EU, the USA and the People's Republic of China
The objective of this exploratory study is to develop a theorization of how political leadership could have an impact on domestic solar energy development. Theorization means in this case the identification of empirical ...
The Canary in the Coal Mine Governance and Security Discourses in the EU’s Arctic Policy
The Arctic Ocean is experiencing an un-preceded melting caused by climate change, affecting the socio-economic, geopolitical, and environmental context in the Arctic region. The ongoing developments in the Arctic have ...
The Sharing Economy - A Vehicle for Innovation or a Source for More Regulation? A comparative case study on the European Commission versus France and the Netherlands
This thesis focuses on the policy-challenges in the sharing economy in relation to innovation and regulatory principles in the European Union. It is a qualitative thesis that takes the form of a comparative case study, ...
Global Governance and Sustainable Development:An analysis of some examples for global, EU and national policies and strategies
This thesis has been motivated by a desire to understand how sustainable development
on the national level fits into global relationships. Ideas of sustainable development may
affect all countries; play an important role ...
Do great expectations in Brussels fail due to political disagreement in Stockholm? - A study on political contestation and Swedish transposition records
Policy processes within the EU are complex and time consuming. Swift responses to ever changing challenges as well as compliance to rules and regulations are crucial for the functioning of the EU. This thesis deals with ...