Kandidatuppsatser/Bachelor theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 879
MERITOKRATIOCHTILLVÄXTPÅ REGIONALNIVÅ En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan politisering av förvaltningen och ekonomisk tillväxt i subnationella europeiska regioner
(2025-02-17)This study investigates the relationship between bureaucratic politicization and economic growth across subnational European regions. Past research indicates that politicization of the bureaucracy may lead to corruption, ... -
GEMENSAMMA RÖTTER, GEMENSAM FRAMTID? En studie av europeisk identitet i Tjeckien och Slovakien.
(2025-02-12)Since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia the Czech and Slovak republics have parted ways and developed into different countries. Previous research has identified several factors that play an important role for individuals ... -
MIGRATION OCH SÄKERHETISERING En WPR-analys om hur Kommissionen och Rådet skiljer sig i sin säkerhetisering av migrationskrisen 2015
(2025-02-12)The aim of this study is to investigate how the European Commission and the Council of the European Union differ in their securitization of the migration crisis in 2015. Previous research shows that both the Commission ... -
THE RETURN DIRECTIVE AND EUROPEANISATION The complex dynamic between EU policy and national legislation in Sweden and Finland
(2025-02-12)The balance between EU influence and national sovereignty is complex, and EU directives are rarely transposed completely without conflict. This study aims to understand the influence EU policy has, and to what extent a ... -
CARBON TAXATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: A LONG-RUN ANALYSIS OF SWEDEN, FINLAND, AND DENMARK (1970– 2023) An Econometric Analysis of Carbon Pricing Policies and Their Implications for Sustainable Development
(2025-02-12)This study investigates the long-term effects of carbon taxation on GDP growth in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark over the period 1970–2023. Employing time-series econometric models, the analysis examines both immediate and ... -
FORMANDET AV EUROPEISK IDENTITET? En diskursanalys av svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap
(2025-02-12)This article explores how european identity is portrayed and explained in social science textbooks written for high school education. As well as exploring which linguistic strategies that are used in those explanations. ... -
STRATEGIC AUTONOMY IN EUROPE Comparing the National Positions of Sweden and Germany
(2025-02-12)This thesis explores the national positions of Sweden and Germany on greater European strategic autonomy and compares their respective perspectives. While much of the academic literature has focused on the EU at an ... -
Timing matters: ekonomiska reformers påverkan på ekonomisk ojämlikhet. En jämförande fallstudie mellan Bulgarien och Tjeckien.
(2025-02-10)This essay compares the impact of different economic reforms on economic inequality in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, emphasizing their differences in speed and quality of reforms since their independence after the Soviet ... -
STATELESS DEMOCRACY? THE CASE OF NORTH-EAST SYRIA A qualitative study on bottom-up democratization and decentralized governance
(2025-02-10)This bachelor’s thesis evaluates the decentralized governance model of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) in its ability to handle political collective action problems. The AANES represents an ... -
SKAPANDET AV SAMHÄLLSGEMENSKAP En WPR-analys av Socialdemokraternas syn på segregation
(2025-02-10)The purpose of this study is to examine the evolution of Socialdemokraternas view on segregation during the period from 1990 until 2023. Segregation in Swedish society has in recent years increased significantly. The ... -
(2025-02-07)Swedish foreign policy has undergone significant changes over the past 15 years, from emphasizing humanitarian values to more security-oriented policies. The purpose of this study is to examine the transformation of Sweden's ... -
IMMIGRANT WOMEN IN THE SWEDISH WORKFORCE Analysing Labour Market Integration Through an Intersectional Lens
(2025-02-07)Immigrants facing various forms of inequality in the Swedish labour market is a well-documented issue, but research often lack precision in identifying exactly who experiences these inequalities, why and in which segments ... -
NÄR PLIKT BLIR TILL MEDVETENHET En kvantitativ studie på sambandet mellan röstplikt och EU-medborgares politiska kunskap
(2025-02-07)The low turnout in the European Parliament elections is often considered problematic as it reduces the democratic legitimacy. At the same time, the legitimacy seems to depend on the voters being informed about politics ... -
GENDER OR POWER STATUS? A qualitative study of the challenges faced by Swedish female diplomats in gender-conservative countries
(2025-02-07)Throughout history, diplomacy has been male-dominated. Despite advancements regarding women’s inclusion in diplomacy, female diplomats continue to face significant challenges. According to previous literature, female ... -
HISTORIESKRIVNING SOM POLITISKT VERKTYG I UPPLYSNINGENS EUROPA En jämförande analys av Abbé Millot och Catherine Macaulays historiska verk
(2025-02-07)The writing of history in Europe went through large changes during the enlightenment. Historians from this epoch could be distinguished by their tendency to try to influence their readers philosophically, morally and ... -
LOCKDOWNS & POPULISM Support for right-wing populist parties post-COVID
(2025-02-06)As the last three years have shown the electoral support for right-wing populist parties has increased markedly in Western democracies. This comes on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns and restrictions ... -
EU OCH UTFORMNINGEN AV REGIONALT SJÄLVSTYRE EU i självstyrelselagrevideringar, fallet självstyrelselagen för Åland
(2025-02-06)It’s widely accepted that the EU has affected its regions – some argue that the EU has restricted the regions’ possibilities to choose their own paths by introducing new laws and rules, while others state that informal ... -
ARBETSKRAFTSINVANDRINGSPOLITIKENS PROBLEMBILDER OCH NARRATIV Hur migrationspolitisk policy offentligt rättfärdigas och motiveras i en svensk kontext
(2025-02-04)Drastiska åtgärder som att gå från öppen till en mer stängd gränspolitik kräver rättfärdigande narrativ för att accepteras av befolkningen. Tidigare forskning visar på variationer i vilka typ av strategier och argument som ... -
VEM BÄR KOSTNADEN FÖR EN ÅLDRANDE BEFOLKNING? En studie om åldrande befolkningars effekt på statsbudgetar
(2025-02-04)The world is rapidly aging, and many of the countries with the world's oldest populations are OECD-countries. The effects this has on countries economically are immense and it is well established by researchers that more ... -
”DEN STÖRSTA PÅVERKANSKAMPANJEN SVERIGE TRÄFFATS AV NÅGONSIN” En kvalitativ textanalys om medias inramning av desinformation före och efter LVU-kampanjen
(2025-02-04)Different actors with malicious intent to influence the public opinion may use disinformation and influence campaigns to do so. During 2022 Swedish newspapers reported about the most wide-ranging influence campaigns to ...