Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Den humanitära interventionen i Bosnien - En studie av egna upplevelser från den svenska bataljonen, BA05
This bachelor thesis is studying the relationship between universal right, the sovereign state of law, and how and when it is right for a third party to act in a conflict or in war. The conflict in Bosnia during the 1990’s ...
Asylsökande barns rättigheter och barnkonventionen - En jämförande studie av rättighetsdiskursen i Sverige och Danmark
The aim of the study is to investigate the rights of asylum seeking children in Denmark and
Sweden, whether children rights actors in respective country consider these rights as being
followed and whether these rights ...
Sociala skillnader i studentmobilitet: En studie om selektionsmekanismer i Finland, Norge och Sverige
Although a broad and equal participation in student mobility is an important objective for
Erasmus and other mobility initiatives, studies have shown a prevailing underrepresentation of students from less privileged ...
Ett medborgarnas Europa? En kvantitativ studie om euroskepticism bland danska och svenska medborgare
The purpose of this study is to analyse how Euroscepticism among Danish and Swedish
citizens can be explained. Previous research has mainly focused on different theories that explain Euroscepticism among citizens. Researchers ...
FRIYTAN PER ELEV, EN PLATS FÖR LEK OCH UTEVISTELSE ELLER SPRIDNING AV COVID-19? En studie av sambandet mellan den fysiska planeringen av skolans utemiljö och covid-19 i svenska kommuner
In Sweden, some municipalities have been hit considerably harder than others by COVID-19. A deeper understanding of this variance can have significant health-promoting and economic implications and can help to increase ...
Zero Waste Europe Implementeringen av EU-mål i komplexa flernivåstyren
This bachelor’s thesis investigates the impact of states’ structure on how EU goals are
implemented. The thesis is based on existing theories and research about implementation and
Multi-level governance within the EU, ...