Now showing items 1-10 of 17
This thesis aims to find out whether the European Union´s (EU) gender equality strategies over time evolve towards a more progressive or conservative type of gender equality strategy. The EU has under a long period of time ...
Hur förhåller sig EU till en (o)hållbar utveckling? En studie av EU:s klimatpolitiska samhällsstyrning inom jordbruks- och klimatpolitiken
This bachelor thesis, written as a part of the European Studies at Gothenburg University, is concerned with the European Unions’ (EU) climate political governance in their both climate- and agricultural policy, and in ...
Sustainable development and free trade
This thesis’ purpose is to illustrate the potential conflict between free trade and sustainable
development. The thesis will introduce a three-dimensional theorization, which will be applied to
an analysis of two court ...
Federation of the United States of Europe. An analysis of the traits of federalism found in the treaties and events of European Integration from 1945 to 1969.
This bachelor essay's objective is to analyse the centralization of Europe through federal initiatives during a time period that stretches from the post-war years to the end of the 1960s. By exploring the failures and ...
GSFP under förändring? En kvalitativ textanalys av dokument från Europeiska unionen
The European External Action Service presented a new foreign policy called The Global Strategy 2016. The policy changed the strategy of the EU in relation to foreign policy and it’s neighbourhood countries. This bachelor ...
Ett medborgarnas Europa? En kvantitativ studie om euroskepticism bland danska och svenska medborgare
The purpose of this study is to analyse how Euroscepticism among Danish and Swedish
citizens can be explained. Previous research has mainly focused on different theories that explain Euroscepticism among citizens. Researchers ...
Can Information Increase Turnout in the European Parliament Elections? The perks of political conversation for the uninterested
Direct elections to the European Parliament have been held since 1979 and turnout has steadily decreased with each election. The turnout rates vary considerably between member states, but the overall trend is diminishing ...
Att lyckas med ett europeiskt ordförandeskap En jämförande studie mellan fyra EU-länder
The presidency of the European Union (EU) is one of the most important institutional actors for the improvement of democracy and equality between the member states. To hold a presidency is a big task and for many countries ...
Svenska läroböcker och EU – en kärlekshistoria? Värderingar om EU i två svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap före och efter medlemskapet
Bakgrund: Sverige blev EU-medlem 1995 – långt efter de flesta välfärdsstaterna i Europa.
Åsikterna om vart EU-samarbetet bör leda är många gånger starka, vilket bl.a. kan ha satt sin prägel
på vilka värderingar om EU som ...
EU och demokratiskt underskott – en experimentell studie om svenskar och stakeholdermodellen
EU:s befogenheter har främst motiverats med hänvisning till att internationella samarbeten effektiviserar beslutsfattande och förbättrar beslut. Idag ifrågasätter allt fler inställningen och menar att den har lett fram ...