Now showing items 1-10 of 364
This bachelor thesis examines a paradox in the literature of political science, namely the rather weak electoral support for liberal parties in Western Europe. As a starting point, the focus lies on the debate whether it ...
VILJANS VAL En kvantitativ studie om valdeltagande i Europaparlamentsvalet 2019 med fokus på motivation
The voter turnout in the elections to the European Parliament have historically been low among the citizens in the European Union, including Sweden. Previous research shows that voting participation can be influenced by ...
EU-DOMSTOLEN OCH PRIVATA AKTÖRER - Analys av EU-Domstolens dömande i begäran om förhandsavgörande
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse whether the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) tends to rule in favour of a certain type of private actor in cases against public actors brought to the Court via the ...
International governmental organizations (IGO) are a large and natural part of the international arena, the same goes for democracy assistance in various forms. Although extensive research has been conducted on both these ...
Väljares personlighet & Brexit i England och Skottland En väljarstudie om personlighetsdrag tillsammans med den kontext väljare lever i påverkade hur väljare röstade olika i England och Skottland i folkomröstningen om EU-medlemskapet.
This essay addresses the geographic dimension of how voters voted in the Brexit referendum. The question is if personality traits together with the demographic context voters live in, affected how they voted differently ...
NATIONALIST ELLER UNIONIST? DUP och Sinn Féins användning av Långfredagsavtalet i Brexit-debatten
The aim of this study is to examine the importance of the Good Friday Agreement for Northern Ireland in the ongoing debate regarding the United Kingdom´s withdrawal from the European Union, so-called Brexit. Previous ...
MIGRATIONSKRISEN I EUROPA - Ett hot mot det svenska samhället?
The large number of migrants who applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015 largely affected the
functionality of Swedish society at local, regional and national level. Migration, which was
previously perceived as a natural ...
Från majoritetsviljans förverkligande till mänskliga rättigheter. En idealtypsanalys av juridifiering och dess påverkan på demokratin i Sverige
Judicialization, courts growing power over the decision-making process, has been a growing interest of political science since the 1990s. However, there is a disagreement on its consequences on democracy. To sort out the ...
MILJÖATTITYDER I EU - En kvantitativ studie av individers inställningar till att värna om miljön på bekostnad av en del av sin levnadsstandard i EU
Previous research, based on a small number of EU-countries, has shown a relationship between increasing knowledge of environmental problems and positive attitudes towards environmental policy. Studies has also shown a ...
RUMÄNIEN OCH UNGERNS GRÄNSSAMARBETE - Hur påverkar EU:s Interreg-projekt utvecklingen av regionerna som utgör gränsen mellan Rumänien och Ungern?
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how the projects of Interreg Romania-Hungary affects the development of the border regions between Romania and Hungary. The material used for the thesis are projects ...