Browsing Kandidatuppsatser/Bachelor theses by Title
Now showing items 593-612 of 827
"Politisk hälsa - En empirisk studie om välfärdspolitikens lång- och kortsiktiga påverkan på ojämlikhet i hälsa."
(2015-10-09)Den svenska välfärdsstaten är känd för sin universalitet och höga jämlikhet men under senare år har forskare och myndigheter varnat för att ojämlikheten blir allt större. Åsikterna går isär m ... -
Politisk representation på lokal nivå - En studie om hur lokala kvinnliga ledamöter upplever lokal politisk representation i Sverige
(2021-05-18)The EU Invite all Member states to work for greater equality in politics because it creates socio-economic benefits. But all EU countries have still not achieved equality in local political representation. Among EU member ... -
Politiska skandaler! - En studie över hur medias skandalfokus påverkar människors inställning till partier i Sverige
(2015-03-31)Konsekvenserna av politiska skandaler är ett ämne som det råder skilda meningar om inom forskningen. Undersökningar har kommit fram till allt från att skandaler inte resulterar i några betydande effekter överhuvudtaget, ... -
POLITISKT FÖRTROENDE FÖRE OCH EFTER FINANSKRISEN 2008 En kvantitativ studie för socioekonomiska och nationella kontexter
(2023-10-09)The financial crisis in 2008 shook the world and had multiple effects all over the globe, with the economy of multiple countries being negatively affected. In what way did this affect confidence in institutions through the ... -
(2019-02-28)The populist radical right party family is a relatively new phenomenon in Europe and is often seen as more fragmented and less coherent than other more established party families in Europe. However, Jungar and Jupskås ... -
POSITIONSFÖRFLYTTNING I EU-FRÅGAN - En analys av hur MP, V och SD uttrycker sig om EU i samband med att de avlägsnat kravet på EU-utträde
(2022-02-02)The Swedish Green Party, the Swedish Left Party and the Sweden Democrats are the only political parties that have shifted from advocating for Sweden to leave the European Union to accepting the Swedish EU-membership in ... -
POSITIVARE INSTÄLLNING TILL EU UNDER KLIMATHOT? Ett bidrag till forskningen om EU-attityder
(2019-02-14)During the last decades different factors and explanations of EU attitudes have been identified throughout research and they have been described as multidimensional and complex. Earlier research has argued that some factors ... -
Preaching to the choir? A Comparison of Fiscal Forecasts by Governments, Fiscal Policy Councils and the European Commission in the European Semester Framework
(2012-07-09)The high debt levels experienced in European Countries have lead to academic interest in the deficit bias - the tendency for governments to run budget deficits and accumulate debt. In part one of this thesis a survey of ... -
Presidentialism och demokrati: Valsystemets effekt. En statistisk analys av valsystemets påverkan på sambandet mellan presidentialism och demokrati
(2022-03-24)Several studies suggest a negative correlation between presidentialism and democracy, that is, presidentialism generates lesser democratic states than parliamentarism does. According to this theory, presidentialism has ... -
Pretty and colourful Why should there be women on European company boards?
(2015-03-18)This Bachelors’ thesis compares theoretical arguments for women on boards and in management with practitioners’ argumentations for women on boards. By analyzing 32 responses to the EU Commission public consultation for ... -
(2022-02-08)Uppsatsen tar avstamp i insikten att länder i internationella organisationer slits mellan två motstridiga krafter. Å ena sidan förväntas medlemmar i internationella organisationer uppvisa enighet, med gemensamma ... -
PROBLEMATISERAD MIGRATION En WPR analys av propositionerna gällande nya migranter från 2015 till 2020
(2020-04-30)During 2015 Sweden experienced a larger inflow of migrants then ever seen before. This led the Swedish government to enact policies designed to stem the inflow of migrants and bring down the costs of those whom already had ... -
Promise or pipe dream? Prospects for decentralization and carbon credit certification
(2014-07-30)This study examined The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST), a decentralized tree planting project with the double objective of mitigating climate change and selling carbon credits, while also ... -
PROSTITUTION IN THE EU - What’s the problem represented to be?
(2021-04-14)This study presents perceptions of prostitution found in the legislation debate in the EU and in which way these affect the policy making by examining EU policy documents and the European Women Lobby’s statements on ... -
Protest eller ideologi? Vänsterpopulism och väljarbeteende i Europaparlamentsval
(2016-05-11)Populist parties on both sides of the political spectrum continue to gain support in the European union. Their electoral support is often referred to as a symptom of the decline in political trust that is widespread ... -
Prov i samhällskunskap. En kvalitativ studie av provkonstruktioner i Samhällskunkspa 1b.
(2020-06-18)Samhällskunskapen är ett historiskt ungt ämne med en tvärvetenskaplig karaktär som ska han-tera ett omfattande stoffinnehåll och syftar till att främja elevers kunskaper, vetenskapliga ar-betssätt och medborgarskap. Ämnets ... -
Public security and methods of government surveillance- An experimental approach to how public approval is shaped by a perceived threat
(2017-09-08)The study of government surveillance is continually important as new policies are made or the extent of the surveillance leaked to the public. Earlier research has found that there is a relationship between people’s ...