Browsing Kandidatuppsatser/Bachelor theses by Title
Now showing items 122-141 of 828
DET SAMISKA EU-FÖRTROENDET - EN ANOMALI - En jämförande studie av individuella förklaringsfaktorer till samiskt EU-förtroende
(2022-04-13)The need for political trust is well established within the scientific community; it is a prerequisite for a well-functioning democratic society. The same applies to the European Union – for the union to continue its work ... -
DIGITALT DELTAGANDE En statistisk studie om kommunernas arbete med demokratisk digitalisering och politiskt deltagande
(2017-02-27)Denna studie tittar på om demokratisk digitalisering har någon effekt på politiskt deltagande i kommuner i Skåne och Västra Götaland. I Sverige har ökade inslag av deltagardemokrati med deliberativa inslag förespråkats ... -
Disinformation and political polarization: A pernicious association
(2023-02-13)Political polarization can have pernicious consequences for democracy. Disinformation has been theorized to contribute to turning political polarization pernicious but the connection has not been thoroughly examined. Digital ... -
Diskriminering av kvinnliga polska migranter i Storbritannien: en kvalitativ intervjustudie av diskriminering och stigmatisering i ljuset av Brexit
(2018-02-06)This bachelor thesis investigates experiences of discrimination among Polish female migrants working in Great Britain in jobs that do not correspond to their degrees and qualifications from Poland. The overarching question ... -
DISKRIMINERING MOT ROMER I UTBILDNING? Hur romer porträtteras i centrala EU-dokument
(2023-06-29)The aim of this thesis is to study how Roma is portrayed in policy documents from the EU with focus on education for Roma. Previous research has shown that Roma often is excluded from mainstream education and that Roma ... -
(2023-02-06)The topic of anti-discrimination policies in European countries has gained salience due to global migration flows and Europe’s increasing importance as a destination region. However, the national anti-discrimination ... -
Diskursanalys av FN i samhällskunskapsboken
(2010-06-08) -
Diskursanalys av FN i samhällskunskapsboken
(2010-06-09) -
DOES FIGHTING CORRUPTION LEGITIMIZE A DECLINE IN DEMOCRACY? An experimental field study on how corruption affects democratic values in Mexico City
(2019-09-24)Recently, Mexico witnessed a historic election where Andrés López Obrador won the presidency in a landslide victory making him the most powerful president Mexico has seen in decades. With eradication of corruption at the ... -
Does the support of Taiwan by the U.S. provide sufficient deterrence to prevent a Chinese invasion? A predictive study on the future of Taiwan
(2024-02-28)The 2023 invasion of Ukraine by Russia has cast new light on the tense situation in East Asia between China and Taiwan, the latter supported by the U.S. The potential for conflict between the two great powers China and the ... -
DEN DÖENDE GENTLEMANNEN - En experimentell studie i hur graden av feministisk medvetenhet påverkar sambandet mellan välvillig sexism och kollektivt handlande hos kvinnor
(2015-12-21)Det finns inom tidigare forskning ett tämligen starkt empiriskt stöd för det kausala sambandet att kvinnor som exponeras för välvillig sexism är mindre benägna att engagera sig i kollektivt handlande, medan kvinnor som ... -
”Du måste väl också se detta problem, eller är du så blind att du inte gör det?” En studie om personangrepp och det svenska debattklimatet
(2015-06-18)During the past few years, many have experienced a growing virulence in the Swedish political debate. Irrelevant arguments and a hateful tone within the discussions among the political elite risk leading to a normalisation ... -
EARTH IS THE MOTHER AND THE WATERWAYS ARE THE VEINS THAT FLOW THROUGH HER A qualitative study on the trend of personification in river management
(2020-03-03)This thesis look at the trend of personification of rivers by examining the unprecedented legislation the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung Murron) Act 2017 (hereafter Yarra/Birrarung Act) and the well-established ... -
(2023-02-28)In contemporary society, numerous countries are experiencing an upsurge in polarization and its advancement has made itself palpable in a number of topics of debate, one of which is climate change. The public opinion on ... -
THE EFFECT OF THE INFORMAL ECONOMY ON POVERTY: The role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
(2022-03-24)This study investigates how access and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could affect the relationship between the size of the informal economy and poverty in developing countries. This topic has ... -
Effekter av medborgerligt deltagande
(2015-10-09)Denna studie ämnar svara på frågan vilka effekter medborgardialoger har på de medborgare som deltar. Syftet är att utreda om de positiva effekter som teorin säger finns stämmer i ett empiriskt fall. Uppnås de positiva ... -
EGENINTRESSSE ELLER SAMARBETSVILJA? En kvantitativ studie om varför ambitionsnivån i staters klimatpolitiska löften skiljer sig åt
(2017-08-09)Genom att nästan samtliga av världen länder undertecknade Parisavtalet finns nu en gemensam klimatpolitisk målsättning: den globala medeltemperaturen ska hållas under 2 graders ökning i jämförelse med den preindustriella ...