Browsing by Title
Now showing items 72824-72843 of 73283
Willingness to Pay among Swedish Households to Avoid Power Outages - A Random Parameter Tobit Model Approach
(2009-03-17)Using a contingent valuation survey, we elicit Swedish households’ willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid power outages. In the study respondents are asked to state their WTP for avoiding nine different types of outages. We ... -
Willingness to Pay for Externalities – Does Earmarking Taxes Matter?
(2023-06-29)This study explores the Willingness to Pay (WTP) for an environmental beef tax and the effects of revenue recycling mechanisms on WTP and beef consumption. It surveys students from Gothenburg University using a payment ... -
Willingness to Pay to Avoid the Cost of Intermittent Water Supply
(2011-07-18)This study summarizes the results of a contingent valuation survey of 200 households in Bandung, Indonesia for 24-hour water supply. The existing piped water supply in the city is intermittent and unreliable giving rise ... -
Willingness to wind - A panel data study of public policies and municipal factors determining the deployment of wind power in Swedish municipalities
(2013-07-01)In 2009 the Swedish government adopted a national planning goal of 30 TWh wind power by 2020, implying a large expansion is needed from the current level of 7 TWh. The municipal territorial planning monopoly implies that ... -
Wilson logistics -A strategy for the business unit logistics, guiding Wilson towards becoming a third party logistics provider
(2001)This thesis presents the strategy for the business unit logistics at Wilson Logistics Holding AB and will give the answers to `Why' and `How' logistics must be developed. Moreover this thesis exposes `the extension of the ... -
Winckelmanns död: till frågan om ord och bild
(Humanistiska fakultetsnämnden vid Göteborgs universitet, 2002) -
Windfall Gains, Political Economy, and Economic Development
(2006)Natural resource rents and foreign aid have the character of windfall gains that affect economic outcomes both directly and indirectly. Several studies have shown that the indirect effect typically works via institutions ... -
Windfall vs. Earned Money in the Laboratory: Do They Affect the Behavior of Men and Women Differently?
(2010-08)We experimentally investigate, using a dictator game, if the effects of windfall and earned endowments on behavior differ between men and women genders. In line with previous studies, we find that windfall endowments ... -
THE WINDING ROAD TO WOMANHOOD. Adolescents´ attitudes towards menstruation, womanhood and sexual health - observational and interventional studies
(2008-05-15)Menarche is a unique marker of female maturation representing the transition from childhood to womanhood. When entering adolescence, children face a number of challenges in areas such as the parent-adolescent relationship, ... -
WindMusic, example of the new possibilities for DSpace when adding SKOS thesaurus and authority lists management
(2009-10-15)Controling metadata through authority lists or thesauri can provide many benefits: (1)multilingual: coded metadata can be translated following the language of users (2)quality control: spelling can be checked (3) exhaustivity: ... -
Window to a wider world: Art, K-pop and Korean language
(2017-07-21) -
Wine Tasting and Sales
(2013-02-26)De tillverkar våra favoritviner. Mer mat på bordet och makt att bestämma över sina egna liv. Det önskar arbetare som gör Sveriges mest sålda viner. För första gången inför Systembolaget en uppförandekod bland sina leverantörer ... -
Winged words from Shakespeare´s tragedy Hamlet in the world of Google texts
(2015-10-16)This essay explores a selection of famous quotes in Shakespeare´s Hamlet. Almost everyone knows some of them, even people lacking formal literary education. These quotes, which have become winged words or idioms, are ... -
Winter Road Conditions and Traffic Accidents in Sweden and UK - Present and Future Climate Scenarios
(2010-02-04)This thesis investigates the distribution of slippery roads in Sweden and the UK for the present climate and how this may be affected by climate change for the rest of the century. It also addresses future scenarios for ... -
Winterreise Music
(2016-02-22) -
WIPO:s tvistlösningssystem för tvister gällande domännamnsstölder
(2000)Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera WIPO:s nya tvistlösningssystem för tvister gällande domännamnsstölder. Med begreppet domännamnsstöld avses att ett domännamn registreras med vetskap om att det motsvarar ett varumärke ...