Browsing by Title
Now showing items 72167-72186 of 73247
Visual SLAM in an automotive context:
(2019-11-12)Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a technique frequently used in the area of self-driving cars for mapping and odometry. SLAM has traditionally been performed using laser based range finders of the light ... -
(2019-10-03) -
Visualisera allt med Gestalt Att underlätta avläsning av nätverksdiagram med gestaltprinciper
(2017-09-27)För att kunna förmedla data på ett bra sätt är det viktigt att använda effektiva visualiseringar. Ett sätt att visualisera data är med hjälp av diagram. Det är dock inte vanligt att kognitiva begränsningar tas i beaktande ... -
Visualisering En aktörsstudie för Business Region Göteborg
(2005)This thesis aims to map out and analyze the visualization industry in the Gothenburg region. The two main questions for the thesis were to examine whether clusters are a productive and fruitful collaboration manner for the ... -
Visualisering av konton, hot och risker - En undersökning om hur ett visualiseringsverktyg kan öka hemanvändares medvetenhet om Internetrelaterade hot och risker
(2012-09-24)På senare år har allt fler hemanvändare blivit sårbara när det kommer till Internetrelaterade hot och risker. När företag och organisationer förstärker sin säkerhet blir hemanvändare allt mer intressanta som mål för ... -
Visualisering av referenser i Python – Utvecklandet av LearnyPy, en webbapplikation för att främja undervisningen av programmering
(2023-03-03)Att förstå hur variabler och objekt relaterar till varandra kan vara svårt för nybörjare inom programmering. Behovet av utbildade programmerare växer och effektiva redskap för att undervisa programmering är därför önskvärt. ... -
Visualisering av tystade historier - En dekolonial kulturanalys av verket I firandet av vår kamp finns deras undergång
(2023-08-09)The dominant narrative of history, prevalent in Sweden, is of a country which has no structural racism and that had no part in the colonization of the Americas or in the transatlantic slave trade. This is far from the ... -
Visualization of a finite first order logic model
(2013-10-17)Creating visualizations of nite rst order logic models can be very bene cial for users studying the models as it provides an additional aid for the user and makes it easier for the user to understand and comprehend the ... -
Visualization of Electrical Architectures In the Automotive Domain Based on the Needs of Stakeholders
(2016-06-27)The use of software in automotive engineering keeps on growing higher every year. This has an impact on a data stored in a database in such a way that a structure of data stored becomes complex due to hierarchy and hence ... -
Visualization of IPRs in the Creative Industry - a model based on two case studies
(2007-07-19)The creative industry is an important part of the growing knowledge based economy seen today. In the past ten years this industry has become more and more acknowledged and the major role it is playing in this new context ... -
Visualization of Log Files of Embedded Broadband Modules
(2012-04-27)BACKGROUND: Exponential increase in the amount of software in consumer telecom products has resulted in growing needs for resolving maintenance issues together with customers. The resolutions often require understanding ... -
Visualization of Software Architecture based on stakeholders' requirements: Empirical investigation based on 4 industrial cases
(2017-06-22)Considering the rapid growth of software systems and consequential difficulties with development, evaluation, maintenance and reengineering, there is an emerging demand for effective means for communication of software ... -
Visualization of Test Failure Data to Support Fault Localisation in Distributed Embedded Systems within the Automotive Industry
(2017-06-22)In this thesis we present the design, development and evaluation of a software tool with the purpose of assisting in the localisation of root causes of test case failures in distributed embedded systems, specifically ... -
Visualizations of particle-field interactions
(2022)Visualizations within physics education are critical for learning physics and can be realized in a classroom with experiments, demonstrations, digital tools, mathematical analysis, or other representations, all with ... -
Visualizing Authority Patterns over Space and Time
(2020)Unidimensional measures of democracy fail to account for the complex and varied nature of political systems. This article disaggregates the concept of democracy and proposes a multidimensional conceptualization to account ... -
Visualizing cyber attacks with misuse case maps
(2017-06-21)Business processes require a supporting technical architecture enabling their realization. The secure design of this architecture has key importance in the future of the business; however there are not many notations which ... -
Visualizing Distributed Algorithms on the Seattle Platform
(2014-09-19)This report describes Seastorm: a visualizer for distributed algorithms running on the Seattle platform. Seastorm displays the execution of algorithms as interactive sequence diagrams, intended to make reasoning about ... -
Visualizing the status of telecommunication networks with dashboards
(2015-07-20)Background: KPIs/PIs (Key Performance Indicators/Performance Indicators) are types of indicators that are of importance to stakeholders in order for the strategic goals of the organisation to be met. When visualizing ...