Browsing by Title
Now showing items 62794-62813 of 73484
Swedish Nineteenth-Century Novels as World Literature: Transnational Success and Literary History
(LIR.Skrifter, 2020-09-07) -
Swedish Nuclear Power Policy
(SOM-institutet, 2008) -
Swedish Opinion on Nuclear Power 1986–2008
(SOM-institutet, 2009) -
Swedish Opinion on Nuclear Power 2007
(SOM-institutet, 2008) -
Swedish Opinion on Swedish Membership in the European Union 1994–2007
(SOM-institutet, 2008) -
Swedish Opinion on the EU Membership
(SOM-institutet, 2014-02-20) -
Swedish Opinion on the Membership in the EU 1994–2006
(SOM-institutet, 2007) -
Swedish Opinion on the Swedish Membership in the European Union 1994–2008
(SOM-institutet, 2009) -
Swedish people’s opinion on sun and wind
(SOM-institutet, 2005) -
Swedish Pharmaceutical Benefit Reforms - Analyses of implementation, pharmaceutical sales patterns and expenditures
(2006-10-24)Background: Over the last few decades, the sales of prescription drugs have increased dramatically in many western countries; however, this increase requires individuals and society to bear larger economic consequences. ... -
SWEDISH PRIVATE EQUITY - A study on perfomrance of Private Equity owned companies in Sweden
(2018-02-20)This thesis aims to study the possible superior performance of Swedish companies owned by Private Equity firms. This is achieved through constructing a panel dataset consisting of portfolio companies of the ten largest ... -
Swedish Public Distribution Strategies and the Effect on the Development of Innovations within Medical Device Companies
(2011-07-15)Through its significant proportion of overall demand for goods and services, public procurement is increasingly relied upon as an attractive and feasible instrument to address various social goals. A body of research has ... -
Swedish Public Opinion on Nuclear Power
(SOM-institutet, 2006) -
Swedish Public Service: Politically biased or not?- Using text mining on political speeches to measure the political content in public service news articles
(2022-10-11)Public service in Sweden is supposed to be a politically independent source of information but in recent years this has been questioned due to its perceived left leaning by the population. In this paper the notion of a ... -
Swedish pupils’ use of the get-passive in written language
(Göteborgs universitet. Utbildnings- och forskningsnämnden för lärarutbildning, 2008) -
Swedish Regional Reform: Party Interest at Stake
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2012)In this paper we conduct a contra-factual thought experiment, applying the practice of gerrymandering to the regionalisation process of Sweden. By applying the actual election data from 1998 to 2010, we discuss the various ... -
The Swedish Sex Offender Treatment: To be replicate in Philippines?
(2007-06-20)Sweden is known for its good welfare system and the society highly values equality. In this country, the government responded to the individual needs of its citizen. When a person commits mistakes, the person is regarded ... -
The Swedish Spoken Language Corpus at Göteborg University
(Department of Linguistics, 1999)