Browsing by Title
Now showing items 44256-44275 of 73283
Munvård för patienter med huvud-och halscancer som genomgår onkologisk behandling, med fokus på egenvård
(2019-08-07)Patienter med huvud- och halscancer som genomgår onkologisk behandling kan få en påverkan på deras livskvalitet. Biverkningar i munhålan relaterat till strålbehandling är vanligt och en av de allvarligaste biverkningarna ... -
Munvård och mobilisering kan förebygga postoperativ aspirationspneumoni
(2022-05-30)Bakgrund: Ett verksamhetsförankrat arbete genomfördes i samarbete med en akutkirurgisk vårdavdelning i Västra Götalandsregionen. Problemområdet aspirationspneumoni fokuserades, en postoperativ komplikation som uppstår ... -
Den murade skånska mangården. En analys av artonhundratalets nya byggnadsskick
(2018-06-27)This thesis aims to shed some light on a particular type of farm house in the south Swedish region of Scania. Though very common, it is little spoken of and hardly described in literature at all. The house type, built from ... -
Murade skorstensvalv. En hantverkares problemlösning
(2011-07-04)Sammanslagna murstockar var en vanligt förekommande konstruktion i större byggnader på 1800 talet. De har i vissa fall konstruerats som självbärande valvbågar. Kunskapen om hur detta gick till vid den tiden finns inte kvar. ... -
Murhuset 21 nov 2011
(Hantverkslaboratoriet, 2013)Fyra hantverkselever i gamla murhuset på Johannesberg i Mariestad, Institutionen för Kulturvård, Göteborgs Universitet. Filmat den 21 november 2011. Kamera och klipp: Anders Lundvang -
Murning av böhmisk kupa : ett rumstäckande bjälklagsvalvs teori och metod
(2008-11-12)The geometry and methods involved in planning and building a bohemian brick vault. -
Muscarinic receptors in the urinary bladder - The role of the urothelium regarding cholinergic and nitrergic effects in inflammation
(2010-11-19)Inflammation alters the functional properties of the urinary bladder. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory syndrome in man that is characterized by urgency, frequency and visceral pain. The overall aim of ... -
Muscle diseases with damaged sarcomeres - causes and consequences
(2011-01-19)Muscle diseases, also called myopathies, are usually defined as diseases where the pathology is confined to the muscle itself. This excludes diseases caused by structural abnormalities in the peripheral nerve, from the ... -
Muscle strength and motor function in neuromuscular disorders. A clinical study of children and adolescents with spinal muscular atrophy, myotonic dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and amyoplasia
(2006)Aim: The aims of this study were to investigate muscle strength and motor function in children and adolescents with four neuromuscular disorders; 1) spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), 2) myotonic dystrophy (DM), 3) Duchenne ... -
Muscle strength and resistance exercise in women with fibromyalgia - a person-centered approach
(2018-05-15)Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by generalized pain and associated with impaired physical capacity and activity limitations. Low-intensity exercise has been shown to be a safe way to exercise without risking an increase ... -
(2009-01-12)Aim The main purpose was to explore the relationship between muscle strength and walking ability in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (CP), and to analyse whether muscle strength training can improve walking ... -
MUSCLE TONE IMBALANCE IN HUMAN UPPER EXTREMITY An experimental study of muscle adaptation to altered tension
(2008-11-28)Aim: The aim of this thesis was to improve outcome after tendon transfer and rotator cuff surgery by investigating the impact on response to passive mechanical testing and change in structural characteristics associated ...