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Now showing items 34749-34768 of 73484
John Hattie - med svenska mått mätt. En granskning av John Hatties syntes av metaanalyser med fokus på klasstorlek och hur den förhåller sig till den svenska skolan
(2014-03-06)Bakgrund: John Hattie, professor vid Melbourne University i Australien, gav 2009 ut boken Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Boken räknas som världens största forskningsöversikt ... -
John Petersons japanska boksamling
(2015-05-28) -
Joining Babylon - Opportunity or Curse - A study about the local Population's Perceptions of the Mining Industry in Jamaica
(2013-04-17)This thesis tries to give an accurate description of the perceptions of the local people in a developing country about big Multinational Corporations (MNC) operating within their community, in one particular case. The big ... -
Joining the Scholarly Conversation: The Basics of Writing an Academic Book Review
(NordMedia Network, 2022-11) -
Joint segmentation of multiple features with application to analysis of epilepsy and music.
(2015-04-29)Multivariate data is segmented into parts, called segments, with common characteristics. The segments are assumed to have an under- lying model structure. It is of interest to see whether the character- istic changes ... -
THE JOINT WAY FORWARD– OR THE EU:S WAY FORWARD IN AFGHANISTAN? A qualitative content analysis on an EU non-paper on enhancing cooperation on migration, mobility and readmission with Afghanistan
(2022-08-09)The cooperation with third countries on return is a political priority in the European Union (hereinafter the EU) and it has given rise to a number of partnerships. Afghanistan signed the agreement Joint Way Forward with ... -
Jonna - a children's bicycle
(2014-03-20)This project concerns children´s bicycles and gender. The market for children´s bicycles is currently very gender specific and tend to strengthen and uphold the traditional gender structures in society by consistently ... -
(2021-06-13)The title ’Jordbåt’ is roughly translated into ’Soil Boat’. It could be the unearthing of a time gone by, a coffin, or a vessel of reaching beyond. These notions has been a recurring element in my past two years of working ...