Browsing by Title
Now showing items 68150-68169 of 73094
U 39 : ett drama /
(1939) -
U-Pb zircon dating of the plutonic Hisingen suite in SW Sweden: geochemical classification and evaluation of field methods for differentiation
(2023-04-13)The aim of this study was to investigate the c. 1.5 Ga Hisingen suite and the c. 1.3 Ga Kungsbacka bimodal suite by LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon dating, geochemical classification, magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray spectrometry ... -
U.S. versus Sweden: The Effect of Alternative In-Work Tax Credit Policies on Labour Supply of Single Mothers
(2013-10)An essential difference between the design of the Swedish and the US in-work tax credit systems relates to their functional forms. Where the US earned income tax credit (EITC) is phased out and favours low and medium ... -
Ubiquitous Absence Character Engagement in the Contemporary War Film
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2013-06)The present article provides an analysis of the narrative and technical devices through which contemporary war films frame audience engagement with characters. It compiles and sys - tematizes a wide set of empirical ... -
Ubiquitous Absence. Character Engagement in the Contemporary War Film
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2011-11)The present article provides an analysis of the narrative and technical devices through which contemporary war films frame audience engagement with characters. It compiles and sys - tematizes a wide set of empirical ... -
: Uchinaa-yamatoguchi, wakaibiimi? En studie i den yngre generationens kunskap kring den egna dialekten på Okinawa, Japan.
(2013-06-27)This essay investigates the relation between “usage” and “hearing” of dialectal words and expressions in the Ryukyu islands, Japan, in this case words and expressions from a mix of Ryukyuan and standard Japanese, so called ... -
Udda, enligt vem? En kvalitativ studie om identifieringen av elever i behov av särskilt stöd.
(2008)Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur identifieringen av elever i behov av särskilt stöd går till, samt vilka insatser en sådan identifiering leder till. De huvudfrågor som studien utgått från är: På vilka ... -
Ueber den Witz /Kuno Fischer
(1889) -
UEFA Financial Fair Play –Förändring inom regelverket
(2016-03-16)Bakgrund och problemdiskussion Fotboll är världens största sport och fotbollsklubbar fyller viktiga funktioner i samhället. En ekonomiskt ohållbar situation uppstod bland europeiska fotbollsklubbar som UEFA angrep med ... -
UFORMELT SIKKERHETSNETT? En kvantitativ studie om baltiske medborgeres aksept for uformelt arbeid
(2020-06-22)Informal work is a global phenomena with extensive economical, social and political implications, affecting a large number of individuals worldwide. Unregistered economic activities are especially prominent in post-soviet ... -
Ulcerative Colitis - Surgery Outcome and Pathophysiological Aspects
(2014-03-14)Background: Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease; the etiology is mainly unknown. Around 30% of the patients are treated by surgery. The aims of this thesis were to evaluate outcome after specific ... -
Ulcerative Colitis: Rate of Complications Following Open Respective Laparoscopic Colectomy and Extent of Reconstructive Surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden– A Retrospective Cohort Study
(2022-02-23)BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease commonly treated with medical therapy. However up to 20% of patients need surgical treatment with colectomy, after which reconstructive surgery may be performed ... -
Ulike metoder hvorved men kan undervise sangelever om pust och st
(2009)Abstrakt Tittel: Ulike metoder hvorved man kan undervise sangelever om pust og støtte Forfatter: Esther-Marie Reinedahl Arbeidets art: Eksamensarbeid Musiklærerprogrammet, 15 poeng Sideantall: ... -
Ullgrens sallat En fallstudie av ett framgångsrikt småskaligt odlingsföretag byggt på hantverksmässig kunskap
(2020-09-16)This thesis is a case study of Ullgrens handelsträdgård, a small-scale market garden which successfully produces vegetables, mainly salad, and has done so since 1945. The production is primarily done by hand with a minimum ... -
Den ultimata läroboken - En textanalys av fyra läroböcker i historia
(2014)The purpose of the study was to analyze the use of history in Swedish history schoolbooks for upper secondary school. It also tries to see if either of the books where the ultimate schoolbook. The object for the research ... -
DEN ULTIMATA TÄCKMANTELN FÖR NEDMONTERING AV DEMOKRATIN En kvantitativ studie om coronapandemins konsekvenser för demokratiutveckling
(2021-01-27)Violations of democratic standards and use of emergency power to curb the Covid-19 pandemic, has become routine for many of the world's countries during 2020. Excessive use of emergency powers or limiting media freedoms ...