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Now showing items 51383-51402 of 73020
Q&A – Community Update Panel Discussion
(2009-10-16)DSUG 09 Q&A – Community Update Panel Discussion. Bradley McLean & Valorie Hollister, DuraSpace, Stewart Lewis, Univ of Auckland, Mark Diggory, @admire. Convenor: Eloy Rodrigues, Univ of Minho. -
Q-factor Investment Approach: Evidence from the Swedish Equity Market
(2021-06-30)Four easily measured factors: market, size, investment, and pro tability together con- stitute the empirical q-factor model. The combination of factors have previously shown to largely capture the cross-sectional variation ... -
QED effects in highly charged ions
(1993) -
Qigong i skolan. En studie av processen i en lågstadieklass som under en termin utövar Qigong dagligen
(2009-10-26)Bakgrund Barn och stress borde inte höra ihop. Dock visar Apotekets försäljningsstatistik att utskrivning av sömnmedel och lugnande medel till barn och ungdomar fortsätter att öka. Vi lever i ett samhälle där tempo och ... -
QR-kod och videoinstruktioner: ett mobilt lärande i industrin
(2014-07-02)Syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att undersöka om filminstruktioner ur ett pedagogsikt hänseende är bättre eller åtminstone upplevs som bättre än andra typer av instruktioner. För att få svar på det har mina frågeställningar ... -
QS World University Rankings
(Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09)I ett PM diskuteras QS-rankinglista som från och med 2010 är självständig från Times Higher Education. Göteborgs universitet avstod från att leverera underlag till QS-rankingen (vilket gjorts tidigare år), men finns ändå ... -
Quaestiones grammaticae graecae.
(1918) -
Qualitative and quantitative aspects on nitric oxide metabolism. An experimental study in the rat and in man
(1999)Background. Nitric oxide (NO) is a biomediator with significant physiological functions in the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. NO is synthesized in the vascular endothelium by enzymatic conversion of L-arginine ... -
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Integration Testing for Model-Based Software in the Automotive Industry
(2016)Background: Integration testing of vehicle software in the automotive industry relies heavily on simulation models. As they replicate actual vehicle functions in the testing process, they increase in size and amount of ... -
A qualitative and quantitative study of nitrotyrosine using mass spectrometry and immunochemistry
(2004)Background: Reactive oxygen (ROS), and nitrogen (RNS) species are formed during normal metabolism and in higher concentration in pathological conditions. They may cause cellular damage when the antioxidant defence is unable ... -
Qualitative Assessment in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
(Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning, 1999)Examination in higher education is a complicated and manifold business involving university culture, formal rules, teachers professional knowledge and students learning efforts and fears of failing. In Sweden, as in many ... -
Qualitative differences in retention
(1980) -
A qualitative study of foreign aid and China’s role in economic and human development in Zambia
(2024-01-26)The precedent of unrivaled lending in Zambia, to a great degree, and courtesy to the World Bank, has generated a normative and financial frame that puts forward economic prosperity as only being made manifest through lending ... -
A qualitative study of IFRS 3 - Allocation of the net acquisition cost
(2008-01-17)Background and Problematization: Increased globalization has created a larger demand for a harmonization within accounting areas. The new accountancy standard, which is called IFRS, emphasizes that companies, to a larger ...