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Now showing items 7547-7566 of 73094
C i uppförande?- rektorers och pedagogers inställning till förslaget att återinföra ordningsbetyg.
(2011)Av dagens pågående debatter i media matas vi in med information om att skolan halkar efter kunskapsmässigt, hot, trakasserier och allmän oordning eskalerar. Med detta i åtanke har det vuxit fram en grundidé, att vi ... -
C. elegans PAQR-2 ‒ A Regulator of Membrane Homeostasis
(2016-04-26)The progestin and adipoQ receptor (PAQR) protein family is characterized by a 7-transmembrane domain, and a topology reversed that of G-protein coupled receptors, i.e. the N-terminus resides in the cytoplasm. Despite the ... -
C.S.M.P - Color, Space, Machines and People
(2017-05-23)Purpose: To build machines that enable ways of interaction by bringing together color, space, machines and people. Theory: Manifest and Project description. Bibliography from project description and reference list in the ... -
Cabinet of Gravity
(2017-06-09) -
Cadenzas for 2 viola concertos
(2013-01-15)This work describes how I composed cadenzas for the viola concertos in D major by Carl Stamitz and Franz Anton Hoffmeister. -
Cadherin mediated adhesion and barrier function in the thyroid epithelium
(1999)The thyroid gland is mainly composed of epithelial cells (thyrocytes) organized as follicles. The cells are connected by junction complexes that link them together into a cohesive simple epithelium. The junctions are also ... -
CADI – Situationsberoende förarinformation Analys, design, utveckling och utvärdering av en interaktiv instruktionsbok för fordon
(2004)The goal of this master thesis is to investigate how to support a driver with information about his vehicle. The master thesis is based on action research studies with the goal to determine design parameters in how a driver ... -
Cadmium, kidney and bone
(2015-11-11)Toxic heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury and lead, occur in the environment both naturally and as contaminants due to agricultural and industrial activities. The aims of this thesis were to examine the levels of these ... -
CAIA - Vägen till framgång. En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om de strategier som skapar lönsamhet för ett influencergrundat företag, samt hur dessa påverkar kunderna
(2024-07-04)Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka de strategier som skapar lönsamhet för ett influencergrundat företag, samt de faktorer som påverkar kundens köpbeslut, kundlojalitet och uppfattning. I tidigare forskning ses skapandet ... -
(2023-03-20)Purpose: The overall goal for my project is to design a valuable mobile app that teaches endusers how to ride, behave, and follow traffic rules by applying design thinking methodologies (DT). In addition, a deep understanding ...