Göteborgs universitets publikationer - elektroniskt arkiv
GUPEA är ett universitetsgemensamt system för e-publicering av t ex doktorsavhandlingar, forskningspublikationer och studentuppsatser.
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Hälsolitteracitet och cystisk fibros – en enkätstudie. En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan hälsolitteracitet, självförmåga och livstillfredsställelse vid kronisk sjukdom.
(2025-01-15)Att leva med cystisk fibros innebär ofta krävande behandlings- och egenvårdsrutiner för att minska risken för försämring och för att förbättra sin livskvalitet. Hälsolitteracitet antas vara en viktig förutsättning för att ... -
Rethinking Institutional Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Academia as Forms of Care in the Nordic Context
(Open Gender Journal, 2024)This article explores institutional responses to gender-based violence (GBV) in three Nordic higher education institutions (HEIs) through the concept of institutional care processes (Tronto 2013). The care fra-mework ... -
Addressing Gender-Based Violence through the ERA Policy Framework: A Systemic Solution to Dilemmas and Contestations for Institutions
(International Journal of Higher Education, 2024)The consequences of gender-based violence in academic cultures are severe for individuals, the study and work climate, and for the quality of research and education. EU and national policy frameworks are developed since ... -
Report on zero-tolerance approaches to gender-based violence in higher education and research
(UGOT, 2024)This deliverable aims at establishing an EU baseline on zero-tolerance (ZT) to gender-based violence, including sexual harassment. A central part of this deliverable is an analysis of the current state of play in two ... -
Ending gender-based violence through research funding
(GENDERACTIONplus, 2024)Funding research and innovation (R&I) creates the foundation for science and education to strive towards excellence. But there is no excellence if research and education rest on the potential for and actual experiences of ...